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Q: What swimming mammal has two dorsal fins the rearmost being smaller Dolphin Porpoise or another species?
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Another name for dolphin?

Anoher name for a dolphin is a cow

What is another name for dolphin?

You may be thinking of Porpoise, but that might be a different species rather than just a synonym for Dolphin.

How do you spell donphin?

The word dolphin is a fish, or another name for a porpoise.(The French word for dolphin, dauphin, was applied to heirs apparent to the throne.)

What is another name for a dolphin?

Dolphin is the common name of the dolphin. There are close to 40 species of dolphin.

What is another largest porpoise?

the narwhal is another largest porpoise on the planet

A large northern sea mammal?

Blue Whale ; Largest in the world. (biggest animal in history) Killer Whales ; They live in the dolphin family, but are quite big! Great White Shake ; They are scary and also big!

What is another name for rearrest?

If by "rearest" you mean farthest back, then the correct form would be rearmost.

Is it correct to say on purpose?

Yes, I purposely say that I sometimes do things on purpose. If you were to speak while riding on the back of a dolphin, it would on porpoise as well as on purpose, but that's another dialect.

How long does it take to give birth to a dolphin?

It takes 12 months for a dolphin to give birth to another dolphin (calf).

What are some specie of dolphins?

There is the Bottle-Nosed Dolphin, the Boto Dolphin, the Hourglass Dolphin, and more!

Do a male dolphin marry a female dolphin?

They want to marry and get to know one another.

Is a pink dolphin a kind of dolphin?

yes but no. it is a dolphin but its from another family than the regular ''pink river dolphin" on imagesit looks like any other regular dolphin.