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That's a big question...

Well, in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1)

That would be the start...

But, real, real fast:

I guess I will start with Christ, though I really could start with Creation and then Israel, since that's Christianity's roots, and as much a part of Christianity as it is for the Jews. You can find this recorded in the Bible.

Christ was born and died in about 33 A.D. during that period to the fall of Jerusalem in 72 A.D. (about 40 years period, which is symbolic). That period is known as the Apostolic period in which the Apostles were living, and writing the New Testament. By the time of the Fall of Jerusalem, the New Testament was complete.

After this we enter into the Roman period in which there is lot of persecution of the Christians by the Romans, but for every drop of blood spilled from a Christians, it seemed there was a new convert. It was spreading fast. Then Constantine became emperor and converted to Christianity. This marked the beginning of the Christian Roman Empire.

Around the year 100 (give or take a few) the first Christian church was founded in Lyon, France (where I am from). It was founded by merchants coming down the Rhone River. St. Irenaeus was the bishop of Lyon, and he was a disciple of Polycarp (martyred in Lyon) who was a disciple of the apostle John.

Next, in about the year 300, (if I remember) we come to St. Augustine of Hippo. During this time Rome was sacked by Vandals. He was the start of the Christian age of writings and philosophy/theology that continued on through the middle ages.

A noteworthy event in the Medieval ages was the coronation of Charlemagne in 800, as Christian Emperor. The Medieval ages were the age of cathedrals, community, and faith, though there were some "rough" periods and some immature Christian thought (Crusades come to mind). Nevertheless, the Medieval Ages were a strong period for the church.

Next we come to the Reformation which happened in Europe in the 1500's. The most renowned leader was a Frenchman named John Calvin, born in Nyon, France, but who spent his most influential years in Geneva, Switzerland. This period was a time when a group of men realized the heresy that had been creeping into the Catholic (Roman) Church, and decided to do something about it. The Reformers rejected indulgences, Baptismal Regeneration, and many other excesses of the Roman Church. Instead, they believed that all men ought to have the bible in their own hand. From this point on, we have the Roman Church, and the Protestant Church.

Then the enlightenment came, and it "dimmed" things a bit for the church. Much weird thinking was introduced which account for a lot of the "fluffy" Christians and Christian theology today.

Today Christianity is spreading a great speeds, even inside Muslim or communistic countries. While still recovering from the enlightenment, from the feminist movement, and from Pietism (the "ism" part being the problem), Christianity is on good footing!

As a Reformed Christian, I believe that the power of the Gospel will indwell all nations, and the Christianity will ultimately bring peace on earth. The coming of Jesus was "Peace on earth good will towards man" as we hear at Christmas. It is not happen over night, but as Jesus said, "Like an mustard seed planted in the ground" It will slowly grow and fill the earth.

It won't happen through any kind of political process however, as some would believe, but rather through individuals, families, communities, etc. being touched by the Gospel message: that Jesus came into the world to save sinners, and that we can do nothing but accept His gift of salvation that He offers, and, trusting in Him, follow Him. To all those who trust God for the forgiveness of their sins, and who call on Him as Lord and Saviour, He has promised eternal life.

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12y ago

Many who claim to be Christian revere the cross as a sacred emblem. However the cross was used in worship far earlier that the time of Jesus The ancient Egyptian priests carried a cross as a symbol of their authority as representatives of the Sun god. Such emblems can be seen everywhere in Egypt on monuments and tombs and are considered by many authorities as a symbol of fertility. There is no evidence that the early Christian disciple's of Jesus used any such emblem in their worship. the use of the cross goes way back to ancient Chaldea and was used as the symbol for the pagan god Tammuz (Ezekiel 8:14) in many other lands the cross and it pagan roots was used to represent the Greek Bacchus, the Tyrian Tammuz, the Chaldean Bel, the Norse Odin. the cross in ritual,Architecture, and Art (London 1900) by G.S. Tyack p.1 2. are also considered by many authorities as symbol's of phallus( a representation of the male sex organ) or of coition.... A Short History of Sex -Worship (London 1940) H. Cutner pp16,17 see also The Non-Christian Cross p183 The Bible give us these advices 1st Cor 10:14 and Ex 20:4,5 do not make a carved image or a form like anything that is in the heavens above or that is on the earth underneath or that is in the waters under the earth you must not bow down to them nor be induced to serve them..... so we are being told not to make an image or form of any thing whether it is a cross a picture or statue and worship it or pray to it see also Ezekiel 8:17 also of interest is that in Acts 5:30 it says " The God of our fathers raised up Jesus whom ye slew and hanged ON A TREE " KJV (pixilated)

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The Christianity symbol is the cross and it is the cross because Jesus died on the cross for our sins.

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Christianity uses a few well known symbol, the two most prominent being the Cross and the Fish.

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