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It signifies a conciliatory gesture or a symbol of peace

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Winona O'Kon

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2y ago
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Q: What symbol is olive branch?
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Related questions

What Olive branch is a symbol of what?

The olive branch is a well accepted symbol of peace.

What is the symbol of Athena?

The symbol of Athena is an owl or an olive branch. The owl represents her wisdom and the olive branch represents how she made the olive tree for the people in Greece.

What sort of branch is the symbol of peace?


What is the symbol of second chance?

Olive Branch.

Is there a name for the symbol?

Yes there is a symbol for the name. Olivia comes from the Olive branch. the olive branch is a sign of peace. a white dove represents the sign of peace.Liv

Where did the olive branch get its symbolic origin?

The olive branch became a symbol of the Greek goddess of wisdom, Athena, after she gave the olive tree to the Athenians.

How did the olive branch get its name?

The Olive Branch Petition was a petition to England for peace before the end of the American Revolution. The historical symbol for peace is the olive branch, therefore, the peace proposal was called the 'Olive Branch Petition'

Is there a symbol for the name Olivia?

Yes there is a symbol for the name. Olivia comes from the Olive branch. the olive branch is a sign of peace. a white dove represents the sign of peace.Liv

What is the olive branch symbol?

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Which leaf is symbol of peace?

The olive branch, as its seen in the flag of Cyprus.

What was Athena's symbol of power?

An Olive branch is usually associated with Athena

What is the meaning of the olive branch in the Texas seal?

The olive branch in the Texas seal symbolizes peace and goodwill. It is a common symbol used in heraldry to represent harmony and concord.