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Q: What symptomp hemodilution?
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Hemodilution is characterised by?

what is hemodilution and how done?

What causes hemodilution?

large amount of infusion

What is hemodilution?

Hemodilution is a technique in which whole blood from the patient is withdrawn before surgery for temporary storage and replaced with crystalloid or colloid solutions that restore the normal fluid volume of the blood without adding new blood cells.

Is there a risk in hemodilution?

yes ,any abnomal condition has arisk ,little or too much

What is immediate preoperative hemodilution?

the patient donates blood immediately before surgery to decrease the loss of red blood cells during surgery. Immediately after donating, the patient receives fluids to compensate for the amount of blood removed.

What does the combining form hepato mean?

Hem- (English spelling haem-) is a prefix meaning blood.Examples of this would be:Hematology - The study of the physiology of the bloodHemal - Relating to the bloodI hope this answers your question.

Im pregnant and you have low hgc and isn't doubling is it due to you smoking and using methamphetamine?

If you have low hemoglobin count , this is because of the increased in circulating blood volume causing hemodilution. That is why you need to be taking iron and folic acid supplements to make your blood more red or to enchance RBC production. This is not due to smoking or methamphetamine.

Which hormone is involved in maintaining water absorption?

There are a couple of names for the hormone. Both vasopressin and antidiuretic hormone are the same thing. Increased blood levels of ADH (antidiuretic hormone) will cause more water resorption in the kidneys, and relative hemodilution. Please be aware that this answer pertains to water that has already been absorbed in the bloodstream. There is no hormone, per se, that maintains water absorption from the digestive system into the bloodstream. This absorption is driven exclusively by concentration gradient and osmotic pressure. There are no hormones involved.

What are some nursing interventions for Jehovah witness patient?

This would depend on the medical condition of the patient. Jehovah's Witnesses accept all kinds of medical treatement as long as it does not conflict with what they regard as bible law and principle.They do not accept blood transfusions but will accept a number of non-blood substitutional procedures, these include:The loss of blood volume and low oxygen levels are the major reasons doctors transfuse blood. Blood volume levels can be replaced without using whole blood or blood plasma. The simplest is saline (salt) solution, which is both inexpensive and compatible with our blood. There are also fluids with special properties, such as Dextran, Haemaccel, and lactated Ringer's solution and Hetastarch (HES). {Such fluids have definite advantages; they are relatively nontoxic and inexpensive, readily available, can be stored at room temperature, require no compatibility testing and are free of the risk of transfusion-transmitted disease} Physicians can also help their patients to form more red cells by giving them iron-containing preparations (into muscles or veins), which can aid the body in making red cells three to four times faster than normal. Your kidneys produce a hormone called erythropoietin (EPO), which stimulates bone marrow to form red cells. Now, synthetic (recombinant) EPO is available. {Doctors may give this to some anemic patients, helping them to form replacement red cells very quickly.***Cooling a patient to lessen his oxygen needs during surgery*Laser "scalpels"*Hypotensive anesthesia*Therapy to improve coagulation*The heart-lung machine*Desmopressin (DDAVP) to shorten bleeding time. Blood salvaging, Acute normovolemic hemodilution;Hypervolemic hemodilution**Operations can successfully be performed using combination of the blood expanders and the surgical procedures highlighted above, without the use of blood or blood products}**

What causes hematocrit to decrease?

Certain bleeding disorders can cause a low hemoglobin level, such as Hemophilia, or Sickle Cell Anemia. Frequent blood donations, or injuries that cause blood loss is also a common cause of a low Hemoglobin level.

What are the normal hemoglobin levels at 6 weeks of pregnancy?

Whatever your hemoglobin level a normal vaginal delivery means you lose far less blood than an operative delivery so there is no minimum. If you are talking about delivery at home with a midwife, she/he would probably want back-up if your hemoglobin was below 10 g/dl. A lot depends on your previous obstetric history and the person doing the delivery. We put women on vitamins with Iron to prevent anemia, and sometimes must give extra Iron in order for her to produce enough red blood cells. The above answer states that there is less blood loss with a vaginal delivery than with a C-Section. This is not always true, in medicine you can never say never, and never say always. I have seen many women who lost almost no blood during a C-Section and have seen many who lost signiicant blood with a normal vaginal delivery. This is one of the risks of a home delivery, if you do have serious bleeding Pitocin can be given (in the muscle, in the vein, or directly into the uterus) to control the bleeding, but this is only available in the hospital setting. If you are anemic and have a significant blood loss, it is obviously more risky than someone with a normal hemoglobin. Many women have a normal, uneventful delivery at home or in the hospital, but for that 1% that have complications, the time it takes to get to the hospital for the proper treatment can be an eternity. Hemoglobin lower than 10.5 in early pregnancy is of more concern than in the third trimester. Low hemoglobin and hematocrit results in early pregnancy reflect true anemia and can indicate increased risk of preterm birth and other complications. Lower than prepregnant H/H counts in the third trimester can be an indicator of the normal hemodolution of pregnancy. In fact, if this hemodilution doesn't occur, there is an increased risk of of low birth weight babies and preterm birth. A hematocrit of 33-34% is normal at term and is the "just right" point between the two extremes. (See Obstetric and Gynelogic Emergencies edited by Pearlman, Tintinalli & Dyne.) As for the safety of home birth, your midwife should help you figure out which type of anemia, if any, is affecting you. Iron-deficiency anemia is the most common, followed by folic acid deficiency anemia. She may counsel you to try nutritional fixes including more iron-rich foods with vitamin C-rich foods, iron-rich herbal infusions and tinctures and folic acid supplementation and alternative forms of iron supplementation such as Floradix, especially if you have mild anemia. Your homebirth midwife should have tools and tricks of the trade ready in case of hemorrhage. In California, for example, midwives may use Pitocin, methergine, shepherd's purse and other herbal remedies. Please discuss your concerns with your midwife and don't let fear of rare complications rule your birth.

Are Jehovah's Witnesses considered a Christian denomination by anyone else but themselves?

There are many different opinions regarding the validity of the 'Christianity' of Jehovah's witnesses.These opinions, like others, are based on the personal beliefs and experiences of each opinion holder. They can be influenced both in a negative and positive way by the things heard, seen or assumed. Therefore the opinions of others cannot rightly or absolutely influence the validity of whether or not this religious denomination should be considered christian. What is a christian?This is also subject to opinion, since many people have different beliefs as far as what it actually means to be a christian. The Greek word for "Christian," is "Χριστιανός" or Christianós. This simply means "follower of Christ."Dictionaries often define a christian as:A religious person who believes Jesus is the Christ and who is a member of a Christian denomination.A follower of the teachings or manifesting the qualities or spirit of Jesus Christ.Claims against Jehovah's Witnesses:They do not believe in Jesus.They do not accept Jesus as their lord and believe that Jesus is subservient to Jehovah God.They dismiss the Trinity (The belief that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are one.) as untruth.The New World Translation (Their personal, modern English translation of the Bible.) is not 'translated' but is an altered version of the Bible written to conform to their personal ideas and beliefs.They do not accept blood transfusions, and are willing to let their own children die because of this.Christmas, Birthdays, Halloween, Thanksgiving and other such holidays are regarded as pagan and are forbidden.They refuse to participate or become involved in politics.Failure to adhere to their teachings can render a Jehovah's Witness ostracized and shunned.Jehovah's Witnesses are a cult.They assume to know most everything there is to know about God.Some of Christendom's major denominations do not regard Jehovah's Witnesses as Christians.They have contradicted former beliefs over and over again (up to and including a few unsuccessful predictions of the end of the world).They have a foundation set by individuals who claim to interpret scripture from its original languages but never learned those original languages (or had formal education).Jehovah's Witnesses are forced to separate from one's family and friends.They have a history of less than 200 years.What Jehovah's Witnesses Believe:Jehovah's Witnesses believe the Bible is God's Word and that all doctrines should be based solely on scripture. (2 Tim. 3:16, 17; 2 Pet. 1:20, 21; John 17:17)They believe that Jesus is the son of Jehovah God, who died for the sins of mankind and not God himself. They hold that Jesus inferior to his Father. (Luke 3:21-22; Matt. 3:17; John 8:42; 14:28; 20:17; 1 Cor. 11:3; 15:28; Col. 1:15; Rev. 3:14)They believe there to be only One True God and Creator (Deut 6:4); They believe that God's name is Jehovah. (Psalms 83:18; Math 6:9)Jehovah's Witnessed do not believe God to be "three Gods in one" and reject the teaching of the Trinity as unscriptural. (Deu 6:4; Malachi 2:10; Mark 10:18; Romans 3:29, 30)Jehovah's Witnesses consider all their members "ministers" and believe preaching the gospel is part of the Christian calling. (Math 28:19:20 Matthew 23:9)Jehovah's Witnesses believe God's Kingdom is actually a Government under Christ. They believe this Government will rule earth in righteousness and peace (Isa. 9:6, 7; 11:1-5; Dan. 7:13, 14; Matt. 6:10 Ps. 72:1-4; Rev. 7:9, 10, 13-17; 21:3, 4)Jehovah's Witnesses insist on remaining politically neutral and do not participate in Wars or politics of any kind. (John 15:19; Mat 5:44; Jas. 4:4; 1 John 2:15)Jehovah's Witnesses reject all celebrations and ceremonies with pagan origins. (2 Cor 6:15)They apply the bible principle of removing unrepentant members that insist on living contrary to scriptural norms. (1 Cor 6: 9, 10)Jehovah's Witnesses believe the Bible's command to "abstain from blood" reflects the sacredness of life and out of respect for that sanctity, refuse to take blood into their bodies through any means. (Acts 15:28,29 ; Gen. 9:3, 4; Lev. 17:14)Jehovah's witnesses opt for bloodless surgical procedures such as 'Hemodilution' and 'Blood Salvage Machines' to increase the health and longevity of their lives and the lives of their children. Such procedures can result in fewer complications, faster recovery time, shorter hospital stay, less chance of infection and faster healing time for wounds.Jehovah's Witnesses believe all Christians, as followers of Jesus Christ, should maintain high moral standards. (1 Cor. 6:9, 10; Heb. 13:4; 1 Tim. 3:2; Prov. 5:1-2)Other Contributors Added:Some others seem to indicate they resemble the early Christians:In Presbyterian Life of January 20, 1951 Elton Trueblood suggested that in their ministry, Jehovah's Witnesses follow the pattern of the early Christians. The religious publication Interpretation, in a chapter entitled "The Bible and Modern Religions, Jehovah's Witnesses," observes the following: "In their organization and witnessing work, they [Jehovah's Witnesses] come as close as any group to approximating the primitive Christian community.And what has been the reception given to these Kingdom witnesses? A noted constitutional lawyer, Leo Pfeffer, surveyed the scene and wrote about Jehovah's witnesses in his volume Church, State and Freedom: "Their aggressive missionary tactics are reminiscent of those employed by the early Christians, and the reception accorded them by the nonbelievers is likewise reminiscent of that visited on the early Christians."It is especially good to give thought to what a Christian organization really is doing in view of these strong words: Yet, some may object: 'Look at all the crimes that have been committed in the name of Christ-the Crusades, the Inquisition, and the wars that have seen millions who claim to be Christian kill one another on opposing battle lines.' But the truth is, these people belief their claim to be followers of Jesus. His teachings and way of life condemn their actions.Jehovah's Witnesses fulfill the biblical requirements of Christianity. Namely to be a follower of Christ. Jehovah's Witnesses believe Jesus to be the son of God and the only savior for mankind. They believe he died for humanity and rose from the dead. Jehovah's Witnesses believe Jesus is now alive in the heavens and is the King of God's Kingdom.They actively strive to imitate Jesus as their leader and obey his command including the command to preach the gospel (see Matthew 28: 19, 20)Thus in every aspect, they can rightly be referred to as CHRISTIANS.It is especially good to give thought to what a Christian organization really is doing in view of these strong words: Yet, some may object: 'Look at all the crimes that have been committed in the name of Christ-the Crusades, the Inquisition, and the wars that have seen millions who claim to be Christian kill one another on opposing battle lines.' But the truth is, these people belief their claim to be followers of Jesus. His teachings and way of life condemn their actions.One definition of a Christian given in a dictionary is this: Christian: (as an adjective)Of, pertaining to, or derived from Jesus Christ or His teachings; of, pertaining to, believing in, or belonging to the religion based on the teachings of Jesus Christ; exhibiting a spirit proper to a follower of Jesus Christ; Christlike; decent; respectable; human; not brutal; humane; (or as a noun,) A person who believes in Jesus Christ, adherent of Christianity; a person who exemplifies in his or her life the teachings of Christ; a member of any of certain Protestant churches, as the Disciples of Christ and the Plymouth Brethren; the hero of Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress; or a male's given name. It says in the dictionary that a Christian is specifically a follower of Jesus Christ, and as I was taught the word "Christianity" comes from His name, Jesus Christ. I don't think they are a cult, but, although each member could be a Christian in the way of being humane and not brutal, I don't think the religion itself is Christian.