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Disruptions in other portions of the basal ganglia are thought to cause tics, tremors , dystonia, and a variety of other movement disorders

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Q: What symptoms can disruptions in portions of the basal ganglia cause?
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What is the most significant neurotransmitter in the basal ganglia?

What is the most significant neurotransmitter in the basal ganglia? dopamine

Where are the basal ganglia located in vertebrates?

In vertebrates the basal ganglia is located in the base of the forebrain. The basal ganglia is associated with a variety of functions such as voluntary motor control, eye habits and emotional functions.

What will happen if there are lesions in basal ganglia?

As basal ganglia is involved in controlling your muscle activity, any lesions or damages to your basal ganglia might cause hypertonia and/or various abnormal involuntary and purposeless movements. Some examples of diseases that are related to basal ganglia are parkinson's disease, chorea, athetosis and hemiballismus.

Unwanted muscle contractions are inhibited by what?

The Basal Nuclei or the Basal Ganglia

What is the plural form for ganglion?

The plural of ganglion is ganglia or ganglions.

What happens when the basal ganglia is damaged?

Damage to the basal ganglia cells may cause problems with one's ability to control speech, movement, and posture. A person with basal ganglia dysfunction may have difficulty starting, stopping, or sustaining movement.Parkinson's disease and other neurological disorders.

What does a cluster of ganglia make?

Type your answer here... ganglia are made of clusters of

What is nuclei deep within the cerebral hemisphere white matter are collectively called?

basal ganglia

What are symmetric basal ganglia calcifications?

Basal ganglia calcification, also known as Fahr disease, is a rare genetically dominant, inherited neurological disorder characterized by abnormal deposits of calcium in areas of the brain that control movement.Build-up in your basal ganglia can also happen because of infection, problems with your parathyroid gland, and for other reasons. When it happens this way, it is also known as basal ganglia calcification, but is different from the genetic form of the disease.

What is the most common area of ischemia in the brain?

basal ganglia

Does the cerebral and basal ganglia is same?

Not really. Basal ganglia are a grouping of nerve cell bodies that are associated with various parts of the brain, mostly for sensory input, and one of these associations is the cerbrum.

What is the role of the basal ganglia in producing movement?

The basal ganglia send output messages to the motor cortex, helping to initiate movements, regulate repetitive or patterned movements, and control muscle tone