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High discharge pressure and low liquid line pressure

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Q: What symptoms would be indicative of an oil logged condenser?
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After heat is absorbed into a condenser medium in a water cooled condenser the heat can be deposited in one of two places what are they?

There is only one condenser. That would be an air condenser.

Would a cracked condenser stop truck from starting?

Not clear on "cracked condenser", but a bad condenser in the distributor would cause the points to wear out quickly, which could easily keep the truck from starting.

Does a condenser affect the performance of the car?

The AC condenser would effect the performance of the AC system in the car.

When was the liebig condenser discovered?

if i had the answer would i ask you

How does the working system of a car ac affected by increasing the size of the condenser?

Increasing the size of the condenser, would help the system be cooler in very hot weather. Usually the condenser in the vehicle is as big as can be fitted.

Do you get red and blotchy when you have the Swine Flu?

You might. A fever with rash is one of the less common symptoms, but it alone would not indicate a case of swine flu. See the related questions below for information about the symptoms of A-H1N1/09 pandemic swine flu, and you can take a self evaluation test online at the websites listed in the related question also below which will help you determine if the symptoms are likely to be indicative of flu.

Does ps3 game content download faster if your logged in?

If your not logged in to the network how would you be downloading and if you are talking about game updates I think the time of day would matter more. Low activity early hours

What are the three forms of the verb send?

"Send" is an example of the indicative present tense."Sent" is an example of the indicative past tense."Sending" is an example of a participle gerund."Would have sent" is an example of a conditional perfect tense."Had sent" is an example of an indicative plumperfect tense.

What equipment would be used to separate a mixture of salt and water?

A boiler-condenser.

If accessories for darkfield microscopy were not available how would you construct a simple star diaphragm?

Place a piece of dark, opaque material between the light source and the condenser, closer to the condenser.

Why would outside condenser be making an intermittent roaring noise?

The compressor may have a locked rotor in the condenser causing the loud roaring noise. Another possibility is low refrigerant.

How do you know when a condenser goes bad?

When the points are wearing on one side, which means it it over or under capacity. Also a good condenser would have a reading of 18 to 23 microfarad's