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talocrural joint which is a hinge joint

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Q: What synovial joint is between the talus tibia and fibula?
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What joint is the ankle?

Ankle is a synovial type of joint. You have the lower end of tibia bone, medially and lower end of fibula bone, laterally and talus bone on other side of the joint.

What joint is at the distal tibia and fibula?

The distal tibia and fibula both articulate with the talus. The talus is the superiormost of the tarsals.

What bone articulate most with the tibia?

The tiba articulates with the fibula an the femur at the knee joint. And at the ankle it articulates with the talus and fibula.

What joint is made up of the tibia fibula talus and allows for dorsiflexion and plantar flexion?

ankle joint ankle joint

What bones form a joint with the ankle?

There is no joint with the ankle. The joint is the ankle.There are three bones that make up the ankle joint. The joint of the ankle is made up of the Tibia and Fibula bones descending from the lower leg, and the Talus Tarsal bone of the upper foot/ankle.

What does the fibula articulate with distally?

The fibula articulates with the talus distally. The talus is the superiormost of the tarsals.

What bone is the short bone of the ankle?

There is no single ankle bone. The ankle is made of seven bones called the tarsals; the calcaneus, talus, navicular, cuboid, and the three cuniforms. What most people consider their ankle bones are actually the medial and lateral malleolus, on the tibia and fibula bones, respectively.

What is the joint between the talus and tibia fibula?

The ankle joint.

What joint is your ankle joint?

The ankle is the meeting point for three bones, these are the talus, tibula and fibula. Each of these three bones have their own joint that connect the foot.

What do they mean when they say that the distal articulation of the tibia and fibula?

The distal articulation of the tibia and fibula means the place where the tibia and fibula form a joint at the end of the bones farthest from the origin of the limb. The distal articulation of the tibia and fibula is with the talus.

What are the four bones that form the ankle joint?

The four bones that form the ankle joint are the tibia, fibula, talus, and calcaneus. The tibia and fibula are the bones of the lower leg that articulate with the talus, which sits on top of the calcaneus, or heel bone.

What is the only bone that articulates with the tibia and fibula?

The femur articulates with the medial and lateral condyles of the tibia. The femur is the bone commonly known as the thigh bone.