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The statement is true. Enzymes are proteins, and if the enzyme or protein is not present, the synthesis will not happen. Enzymes are generally what jump start a reaction or process.

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11y ago

No. The enzyme (a protein) peptidyl transferase is required to form the peptide bonds between the amino acids on the ribosome.

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Q: What synthesis of one protein cannot take place without the presence of another protein is this statement true or false and why?
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Protein synthesis is the process through which the body creates new proteins necessary for various functions like repairing tissues, building muscle, and maintaining overall health. While the body is constantly synthesizing proteins, it also needs protein synthesis to replace old or damaged proteins, adapt to changing needs, and support growth and repair processes. Without protein synthesis, the body would not be able to maintain the necessary balance of proteins required for optimal function.

What is the product of protein synthesis?

A protein. That's what protein synthesis means.

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in both plant and animal cells the cell membrane

What is the sight for protein synthesis?

Ribosomes are site of protein synthesis .

Is protein synthesis is a catabolic reaction?

No, protein synthesis is endergonic.

Where is the majority OF protein synthesis occurs?

Ribosomes are the site of protein synthesis

What is the role of rRNA the protein synthesis?

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Structure responsible for protein synthesis?

Ribosomes, are responsible for protein synthesis.

What is the center of protein synthesis?

Ribosomes play important role in the protein synthesis.

What do the ribosomes job?

They provide surface for protein synthesis. They are the sites of protein synthesis.

This organelle's function is protein synthesis?

The organelle responsible for protein synthesis is the ribosome. Ribosomes are found in both the cytoplasm and the endoplasmic reticulum, where they read mRNA and assemble amino acids into protein chains.