

What syptems can hamsters get from sickness?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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Depending on what kind of sickness, hamsters can have a runny nose, watery eyes, they can sneeze a lot, fur loss, diherrea, etc.

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Q: What syptems can hamsters get from sickness?
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How many sicknesses can hamsters catch?

Well, hamsters could get alot of sickness because cancer diabetes and all of those sickness could harm animals also

Can hamster diarrhea kill other hamsters?

It may because I'm pretty sure that the sickness can be contagious to other hamsters.

Can hamsters get sick from human sickness?

Not usually but it can happen. If they lick you it could happen.

One of my hamsters died suddenly of a tumor. Should I worry about my other hamster?

No, you shouldn't worry because a tumor can't be spread like a sickness. (Sorry about the hamster)

What does it mean when a hamster bottom is whet?

Well, all I know is that "wet tail" is a very deadly sickness to hamsters... If you hear that your hamster has wet tail, take it to a vet!

Can hamsters eat the seeds in strawberries?

i wouldn't give your hamster strawberrys if i were you! If you feed any hamster dairy products or fruit you could give it diareah or kill it.

What types of sickness can robo dwarf hamsters get?

They can get "wet tail" otherwise known as diarrhoea. It's very bad for them. You can notice when they have it by checking on their bathroom doings. If they are wet, they could have diarrhoea. If they are dry, that's a good sign. Avoid this sickness by buying them medicene to put in their water. You can get it at a local pet market.

How many types of hamsters exists?

Syrian Hamsters - Winter White Hamsters - Chinese Hamsters - Campbells Dwarf Hamsters - Roborovski Hamsters So, 5.

What kinds of hamsters don't shed?

Hamsters don't shed.Some good hamsters to own are...-Black Bear Hamsters-Teddy or Fancy Bear Hamsters-Long Hair Hamsters

How do you use the word sickness in a sentence?

Morning sickness is a symptom of pregnancy.He has the sickness.There is a sickness going bout.It is a sickness in her head.

How maney types of hamsters are there?

a lot there are the bigger hamsters and the dwarf hamsters