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the heart is the centre of the organ system....... i think

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Q: What system is considered as the center of all organ system?
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What is a function of all organ system?

The role of organ system is ensure that the entire body works properly.

An example of an organ system is the what system?

it all what you have in your body lol

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All of them, that's why they're in the organ system in the first place,except for the appendix

What organ system did glucose and oygen passes?

All the organ system in the body needs glucose and oxygen for survival

How are organ systems related to one another?

Each organ system's job leads to the next organ system. This process continues through out all 12 organ systems.

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Blood is considered a tissue because it holds all receiving tissues together. Skin is considered an organ because it holds all of the other bodily tissues and organs in place.

What organ system does Arteries belong?

Typically the words "organ" and "system" are used separately-- a system is a collection of organs that work toward a particular purpose. The coronary arteries are, like all arteries, part of the cardiovascular system. They can also be considered part of the heart, when looking at things from the standpoint of organs.

what organ system is your brain found in?

The brain is part of the nervous system, which controls or monitors all of the other organ systems.

What does the organ system make?

All the organ systems in the body make up an organism.

What organ system transport nutrients to all the cells?

circulatory system does.