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Q: What system of signals was used to alert the American revolutionaries that the British were coming to Lexington and Concord?
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Who were the British fighting in the battle of lexington and concord?


Who were the british Lexington or concord?

Neither. Lexington and Concord are cities in MA where the first conflcits of the American Revolution were held.

Were did the british go after Lexington?

After Lexington, the British went to Concord, Massachusetts.

April 19 1775 was well noted in what concord?

British and American soldiers exchanged fire in the Massachusetts towns of lexington and concord

Where was the first battle of the Revolutionary War fought?

The first battle of the American revolutionary war was in Lexington, MA and then the British went to Concord hoping to find ammunition

Where did fighting first occur between British and American colonists?

Lexington and Concord

Did british win Lexington and Concord?

Only Lexington!!

Who won the battle of Battle of Concord?

The British won at Lexington and then the American colonists won at concord. They were two different battles.

Who won the battle of lexigton and concord?

The British won at Lexington and then the American colonists won at concord. They were two different battles.

What came first the battle of Lexington and Concord or the battle of Trenton?

Both battles occurred on April 19, 1775: first the Battle of Lexington (a British victory) and then the Battle of Concord (an American victory). Both battles were mainly caused by the Boston Massacre. Some people think the Americans attacked at Lexington for revenge. The Americans started retreating toward Concord, where they met reinforcements and were able to overpower the British soldiers.

What were the colonists trying to hide from the british at concord and lexington?

according to research, the british herd there were weapons hidden at concord and Lexington.

Did the string of british losses or fighting in lexington and concord come first?

the fighting in lexington an concord