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The blood circulatory system.

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Q: What system supplys oxygen to the blood?
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Which organ system transports oxygen and nutrients around the body?

The circulatory system (blood and vessels) transports oxygen and nutrients around the body. The heart furnishes the power to move the blood.

Which system provides the muscle with oxygen and nutrients?

The Circulatory System. Blood carries these throughout the body.

What organ or structure absorbs oxygen from air?

The respiratory system seems like the obvious answer, but you used the word absorb. The respiratory system takes air into the lungs, but the red blood cells (erythrocytes) absorb the oxygen out of the air taken into the lungs. The circulatory system then delivers these red blood cells to the capillaries where the oxygen is traded for carbon dioxide as the cells need.

How does the oxygen change to carbon dioxide?

The primary function of the respiratory system is to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide. Inhaled oxygenenters the lungs and reaches the alveoli. Oxygen passes quickly through this air-blood barrier into the blood in the capillaries. Similarly, carbon dioxide passes from the blood into the alveoli and is then exhaled.

Less oxygen in blood more oxygen in blood which organ?

Left side of the heart (left ventricle and atrium) has deoxygenated blood, but after its pumped through the lungs and enters the right side of the heart, the blood is oxygenated. If you divide the circulatory system into 'organs', then veins and venules have less oxygen, while arteries and arterioles have more oxygen. With other organs, there should be indistinguishably equal amounts of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood.

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Supplys the ventral side with blood

What system supplies oxygen to blood?

The blood circulatory system.

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Blood receive oxygen in the?

Blood gets oxygen in the cells. This is part of the body system.

Which system is responsible for carrying oxygen to muscles?

The circulatory system (blood) moves oxygen through the body to the cells.

What is the function of the respiratoy system?

The function of the respiratory system is to supply the blood with oxygen in order for the blood to deliver oxygen to all parts of the body. The respiratory system does this through breathing. When we breathe, we inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. This exchange of gases is the respiratory system's means of getting oxygen to the blood.

How do circulatory system work?

a The Circulatory System has 2 tubes on oxygenated rube which is blood with oxygen and deoxygenated tube which the blood is not carrying oxygen

What system circulates disperses oxygen rich blood throughout the body?

The cardiovascular system sends oxygen rich blood through out the body.

What are the parts of the circulatory system where oxygen-poor blood is found?

In the circulatory system, deoxygenated blood is found on the right side of the heart, in the pulmonary artery, and in the systemic veins. The pulmonary artery brings low-oxygen blood to the lungs. The systemic vein carry deoxygenated blood from the body tissues to the right atrium.

What is then functions of the respiratory system?

To supply blood with oxygen so the blood can deliver the oxygen throughout the body.

What does respiratory system add to your blood?


Where does the respiratory system transfer oxygen to?
