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Probably the circulatory system because the heart would start pumping unfiltered blood(blood that has no oxygen) and then the brain wouldn't get the oxygen it needed and you could die.

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Q: What system would shut down first if the Respiratory system shut down?
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What would happen if the respiratory system and digestive system broke down?

You would die.

How does the respiratory system rely on the immune system?

The respiratory system helps you to breathe and if you couldn't breathe correctly your immune system would go down. That is how these system rely on each other.

How does the respiratory system respond to lying down'?

As your heart slows down, so does your entire respiratory system.

Does the respiratory system break down food?

no it is the breathing system

Which system could be shut down for the longest time circulatory or respiratory?

both you would die almost instantly but you could live a little longer without your respiratory system because without blood pumping to the brain it would shut down very quickly.

What pathway is in the digestive system and the respiratory system?

the respiratory system and the digestive system share the Pharynx. The Respiratory system contains the eppiglottis, which keeps food going down the esophogus instead of the trachea

What would happen to the body if the respiratory system failed?

You would die if the respiratory system failed. It carries oxygen to the blood and removes carbon dioxide from the blood. If either if these functions ceases your body will shut down and soon die.

What body systems are involved when you sit down and do your homework?

Nervous system, muscular system, and resPiratory system

What is the pharynx in the respiratory system?

The pharynx is shared with the digestive system from the lungs down to the epiglottis.

Is oral cavity part of respiratory system?

No, they are not part of the respiratory system. They are analogous to bones and participate in the digestive system by breaking down food into smaller particles.

Are teeth important to respiratory system?

its false

Function of mouth in respiratory system?

The mouth is one of the main entry points for respiration. Oxygen enters the system here, and carbon dioxide exits.A:2The mouth is associated with the digestive system. It does not form an essential part of the respiratory system.