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Q: What takes longer to heat up water or sand?
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Why does water have a greater specific heat over then sand?

water has a greater specific heat than sand becasue it takes longer to heat up than sand does

What hold heat longer the sand or water?


Do water hold heat longer than sand?


Does sand or water capture more heat for a longer time?

Water captures more heat for a longer period of time because the sand particles are too far apart and won't keep in as much heat as the water can. I hope I helped.

What holds heat longer water or sand?

i think sand but you should testit first ot find out

What has the greatest specific heat - granite rock - sand or water?

Water has the highest specific heat, sand and granite could be very similar but there are very many types of sand so no definite relationship can be given without more information.

Will sand or water heat quicker?

sand will because the molecules of sand are closer together, which makes heat get to the whole object faster, unlike water in which the molecules are spread apart, so it will take longer for all of the heat to get the whole liquid. (i did an experemint in my class, which proves my answer.)

Why does sand heat up more than water?

There is a material property known as heat capacity.This changes from material to material.Higher the capacity,better the heat absorbed.Since the heat capacity of sand is high,it absorbs heat so well.But for this it takes a considerable amountb of heat capacity is of water.

What causes differences in heating and cooling rates of land and water from the ocean?

Water has a higher specific heat and takes longer to warm up. The ground has a lower specific heat and warms up fast. That's why the sand on the beach is hot but the water is cool. It depends on the time of the day and the season of the year.

Why sand feels hot in summer while the water feels cold?

sand get quickly heat and got cold where as water is not it takes time to heat and cold that's why people living in coastal areas feel cold during day time .

Which will heat faster water or sand?


What holds heat longer soil or sand?

Sand because molecules stay heated within.