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Q: Which item the towel the sand or the water - has the highest specific-heat capacity?
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Does water or steel have a higher heat capacity?

1000 g of water

Which soil has the highest capacity to retain water?

Clay has the highest water holding capacity. This is because clay is made up very small tightly packed particles that do not allow water to percolate through.

Is soil the highest specific heat capacity?

Water has a higher Specific Heat than soil. The very highest is ammonia.

What gets wet while drying?

towel or napkin

How much water can a towel hold?

A large towel will hold 2 -3 pounds of water

How much water does a paper towel hold?

A paper towel holds 2 pounds and 5 ounces of water.

How does the size of a paper towel affect the amount of water it can hold?

Yes. The thicker the paper towel the more water it can absorb.

What happens when you drop water on a paper towel?

the paper towel sucks up some of the water but some sits on top of it, as the towel is saturated and cannot hold more water. Although it will not drip off unless there is to much and it can't be absorbed

What happened to the water on the dishes when you dry them using a tea towel?

It's absorbed by capilliary action into the weave of the fabic, and into the threads from which that's woven. When you hang the towel up afterwards, the water then evaporates from the towel.

What happens to the water on the dishes when you dry them using a tea towel?

It's absorbed by capilliary action into the weave of the fabic, and into the threads from which that's woven. When you hang the towel up afterwards, the water then evaporates from the towel.

Why is water used as a coolant in car radiators?

Water is used as coolant in car radiators because it has high specific heat capacity of 4200 Joules. It has the highest specific heat capacity than any other substance. That is why it is used as coolant in car radiators

Why do tiny droplets of water fly off when a wet towel is suddenly jerked?

According to Newtons first law a body will remain stationary unless acted on by an external force. Therefore the force required to accelerate the water droplets attached to the towel at the same rate as the towel must be less than the force which can be provided due to adhesion between the towel and water droplets otherwise the towel will move away from the water droplets as cohesion is broken