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Clay has the highest water holding capacity. This is because clay is made up very small tightly packed particles that do not allow water to percolate through.

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Clay soil has the highest capacity to retain water due to its small particle size and high surface area, allowing it to hold onto water molecules more effectively than other soil types like sand or loam.

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Q: Which soil has the highest capacity to retain water?
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What type of soil has highest water holding capacity?

Clay soil has the highest water holding capacity among soil types. This is due to the small particle size and high surface area of clay particles, which can absorb and retain significant amounts of water.

What is a sandy soil's capacity to retain water?

Sandy soil has a low capacity to retain water because of its large particles and low organic matter content. Water drains quickly through sandy soil, making it challenging for plants to access sufficient moisture for their needs. Amendments such as compost can be added to improve sandy soil's water-holding capacity.

Which soil has highest water retaining capacity?

Clayey soil has the highest water retaining capacity among different types of soil because of its small particle size and high organic matter content. This allows it to hold onto water more effectively than sandy or loamy soils.

What does water holding capacity of soil mean?

Water holding capacity of soil refers to the ability of soil to retain water within its pore spaces against the force of gravity. It is a critical property that influences plant growth as it determines how much water is available to plants for uptake. Soil with high water holding capacity can better sustain plant growth during periods of drought.

Does humus increase ability of soil to retain water?

Yes, humus increases the ability of soil to retain water due to its sponge-like structure that helps hold onto moisture. Humus also improves soil structure by increasing porosity and aggregation, which further enhances water retention capacity.

Related questions

What type of soil has highest water holding capacity?

Clay soil has the highest water holding capacity among soil types. This is due to the small particle size and high surface area of clay particles, which can absorb and retain significant amounts of water.

What is a sandy soil's capacity to retain water?

Sandy soil has a low capacity to retain water because of its large particles and low organic matter content. Water drains quickly through sandy soil, making it challenging for plants to access sufficient moisture for their needs. Amendments such as compost can be added to improve sandy soil's water-holding capacity.

What soil has a marked capacity to retain water?

Clay soil has a high capacity to retain water due to its small particle size and high organic matter content. This type of soil has poor drainage but is beneficial for plants that require consistent moisture.

Is soil the highest specific heat capacity?

Water has a higher Specific Heat than soil. The very highest is ammonia.

Which soil has highest water retaining capacity?

Clayey soil has the highest water retaining capacity among different types of soil because of its small particle size and high organic matter content. This allows it to hold onto water more effectively than sandy or loamy soils.

What does water holding capacity of soil mean?

Water holding capacity of soil refers to the ability of soil to retain water within its pore spaces against the force of gravity. It is a critical property that influences plant growth as it determines how much water is available to plants for uptake. Soil with high water holding capacity can better sustain plant growth during periods of drought.

Does humus increase ability of soil to retain water?

Yes, humus increases the ability of soil to retain water due to its sponge-like structure that helps hold onto moisture. Humus also improves soil structure by increasing porosity and aggregation, which further enhances water retention capacity.

What is the definition of nutrient holding capacity of soil?

Nutrient holding capacity of soil refers to the soil's ability to retain and supply essential nutrients to plants for their growth and development. It depends on the soil's physical and chemical properties, such as texture, organic matter content, and cation exchange capacity, which influence the soil's capacity to retain and release nutrients for plant uptake.

Does soil cannot retain heat?

Soil can retain heat, but not as effectively as water due to its lower heat capacity. Soil absorbs and releases heat more slowly compared to water, which can lead to temperature fluctuations in some conditions.

What soil has marked capacity to retain water?

Clay soil has a marked capacity to retain water due to its small particle size and high level of compaction, which creates tiny spaces where water can be trapped. This makes clay soil excellent for supporting plant growth during dry periods, but it can also lead to waterlogging if drainage is poor.

Why water holding capacity of garden soil is more than road side soil?

Garden soil tends to have a higher water holding capacity than road side soil due to the presence of organic matter, such as compost or mulch, which helps improve soil structure and increase its ability to retain water. Road side soil typically lacks organic matter and may be more compacted, leading to reduced water holding capacity. Additionally, road side soil may be more prone to runoff and drainage issues, which can further decrease its ability to retain water.

What type of soil has maximum water holding capacity?

Clay soil typically has the maximum water holding capacity due to its small particle size and ability to compact closely together, which creates tiny spaces that can hold water. This helps to retain moisture and provide a consistent water supply to plants.