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Yes. The thicker the paper towel the more water it can absorb.

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Q: How does the size of a paper towel affect the amount of water it can hold?
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What happened to the water level after you put the rolled paper towel into the glass?

The water level in the glass probably looked lower than before the rolled paper towel was put in. If the amount of water was small and the paper towel was big enough, the water level could decrease or even be absorbed completely.

Does the brand of paper towel affect the amount of water it absorbs?

Yes. Different brands use different methods for creating the paper towels, both in what ingredients are used, how thick the towels are, and how they are treated (as in chemical treatment, not being nice to them). These factors all have an effect on the absorbency of the towel.

Does the brand of paper towel affect the amount of water it absorbes?

Yes. Different brands use different methods for creating the paper towels, both in what ingredients are used, how thick the towels are, and how they are treated (as in chemical treatment, not being nice to them). These factors all have an effect on the absorbency of the towel.

How much water does a paper towel hold?

A paper towel holds 2 pounds and 5 ounces of water.

What are the variables in the hypothesis More expensive paper towels absorb more water?

Variables are things that can be varied to affect the outcome of the experiment, or things that vary with the outcome of the experiment. In this hypothesis, the things that could vary are: 1. The price of the paper towels. 2. The water absorbed by the paper towels. Expressed mathematically: y = f(x) Where y = water absorbed and x = price of paper towels. Thus, the amount of water absorbed by a paper towel is a function of the price of the paper towel. Or, at least, that's the hypothesis.

Would a bean grow faster in soil or in a moist paper towel?

ok they grow so much better in paper towels if you plant them in soil you could put too much water in and they dont even grow they get squishy and moldy if youput them in a wet paper towel then its better! i did this for my experiment and th wet paper towel thingy grew better! hope this rlly helped!

What does a science fair question contain?

An example of a science fair question is "How does the brand of paper towel affect the amount of water it absorbs?" You need the words "How does" at the beginning and "affect the" in the middle after you state the object you're using to test the outcome of the subject you're doing.

What liquid do paper towels absorbs most?

These paper towels are designed to absorb water. But also alcohols.

What happens when you drop water on a paper towel?

the paper towel sucks up some of the water but some sits on top of it, as the towel is saturated and cannot hold more water. Although it will not drip off unless there is to much and it can't be absorbed

What is the conrol in this experiment i want to know which paper towwel brand absobrs the most water. i use a measuring cup and bowls and water and paper towel brands. what is the control?

You need to use the same amount of water for each cloth.

Do inch worms drink water?

Inch worms do drink water. Usually, they prefer water added with a little big sugar. A paper towel soaked with water is usually an adequate amount of water.

How much water can a paper towel hold?

Absorbency of a paper towel depends on its composition and structure, so it's different for each brand.