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Sound travels in waves. Our ears pick up these waves and funnel them to the eardrum. The eardrum interprets them as vibrations. These vibrations pass through the eardrum, into the inner ear via the hammer, anvil, and stirrup bones. This causes fluid in the inner ear to bend tiny hairs which convert the vibrations into nerve impulses. The auditory nerve then sends the signals to the brain, which converts them again into the sound of what is heard.

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Q: What takes sound waves from the inner ear to the brain?
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What transmits sound waves to the inner ear making waves in the fluid in the cochlea?

The ossicles amplify the sound. They send the sound waves to the inner ear and into the fluid-filled hearing organ (cochlea). ... The auditory nerve sends these impulses to the brain. The brain then translates these electrical impulses as sound.

Where in the ear in sound changed into signals that are sent to the brain?

The inner ear is responsible for converting sound waves into neural impulses that are sent to the brain.

What is the function of the eardrums?

To vibrate air into the inner ear so that the sound waves can eventually be interpruted (lots to it) by your brain

Which structure is between the middle ear and the inner ear?

Sound waves hit the eardrum. The eardrum vibrates in response to the sound waves. These sound vibrations are amplified and transmitted by the auditory ossicles of the middle ear to the inner ear where they are changed into electrical energy and sent to the brain for interpretation.

Where is the cochlea located?

Yes. It is a snail-shell shaped organ with tiny hairs lining the inside that move to sound waves, sending impulses to the brain, which the brain translates as sound.

What three general kinds of body parts do sound waves travel through before they reach the brain?

Sound waves travel through the outer ear, middle ear, and inner ear before they reach the brain. In the outer ear, sound waves are collected by the ear canal and directed to the eardrum. Then, in the middle ear, the sound waves cause the three tiny bones (hammer, anvil, and stirrup) to vibrate. Finally, in the inner ear, the vibrations are transformed into electrical signals that are sent to the brain via the auditory nerve.

Why do sound need waves?

to get to your brain

What three kinds of body parts do sound waves travel through before they reach the brain?

Outer ear, middle ear and inner ear

How do you know about the inner layers of the earth?

Sound waves.

What is the form that sound takes when it travels through air or water?

Waves, sound-waves

What part of the ear increases the strength of the sound waves?


How does sound happen?

By multiple vibrations in the air aka sound waves. An object which creates kinetic energy produces air pressure variations which are interpreted as sound by the brain via the ear drum and the nerves in the inner ear.