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Q: What taste better than it smells riddle?
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What tastes better than it smells?


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it smells better

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This is a riddle and cannot be solved.

Does coke taste better than sprite?

yes. coke is better that sprite

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A cat can taste better than a dog, that is why they are so picky!

Is dogs nose better than peoples nose?

Dogs can pick up smells better than humans -yes.

Why does Pepsi taste better than Coke?

it doesn't.

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Mangoes!!! Because it Taste Better whether ripe or unripe than Apples it has plain taste to me...

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yes. You taste things more clearly and everything seems to taste better than ever or than what you remembered it did.

Do some things taste differently than they used to during the first week of pregnancy?

Happens often also smells can be different.

Is mutton better than chicken?

That depends on personal taste.

Do parents have better taste then kids?

They both taste like chicken to me. yes Well,it depends on the parent and child.My mom doesn't. no but kids taste better than parents...........yummy