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A blender, probably.

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Q: What tears and grinds your food into small chunks?
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What process tears grinds and mashes large food particles into smaller ones?

Mechanical digestion tears, grinds, and mashes large food particles into smaller ones.

What part of the digestive system that cuts grinds and tears food?

its ur TEETH

What is the meaning of Mechanical Digestion?

Tears, grinds and mashes large food particles into smaller ones. The size of the food is reduced, but the foods aren't changed into other compounds.

What structure grinds up what earthworms eat?

The gizzard is the structure that grinds up the food.

What grinds food mechanically into small pieces?

your teeth and tong. as you chew your teeth crush and grind the food into small pieces, the saliva causes the food to chemically break down and your tong moves it around in your mouth to make the small ball that can be swallowed.

How do hawks eat?

Hawks rip there food into small pieces with their tallons and beaks, then swallow the chunks.

What is it called when the food is torn and ground into small chunks?

it is called chewing. You use your teeth when you chew

What Grinds the food in an earthworm?

In the gizzard.

What does the teeth do in the digestion?

grinds the food into smaller bits

Why is gravel important to a bird?

they swallow it then it grinds up their food.

What is a Bird organ that grinds ingested food?


What is the muscular sac that grinds and churns food into liquid chime?

The muscular sac that grinds and churns food into liquid chime is called the gizzard. This organ is extremely important during digestion.