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Q: What techinque is used for the moon is faithful although blind?
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Is this sentence the moon is faithful although blind?

What technique is being used? The moon is faithful, although blind

What technique is being used in this sentence he moon is faithful yet blind?

Personification - giving human-like qualities to non-human entities. The moon is described as "faithful" and "blind," which are human traits.

What is the faithful companion of the moon?

The Earth.

Is the Blind Side or The Twilight Saga New Moon better?

Blind Side

Will you get blind if you stared at the moon?

omg no way!

What are the lyrics for hull fc's old faithful?

Old Faithful, we'll roam the range together, Old Faithful, in any kind of weather, when the round up days are over and the Boulevards white with clover, for you Old Faithful pal of mine. Giddy up old fella cos the moon is yellow tonight, giddy up old fella cos the moon is mellow and bright. There's a cayote howling at the moon above, so carry me back to the one I love, for you Old Faithful pal of mine.

Of the moon decrease in visibility?

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Is the blind side or new moon better?

Depends, if you are obsessed with Edward or Jacob New Moon is better. If you like a movie that makes you cry, sigh and laugh The Blind Side is better.

What is better the sun or the moon?

well the sun keeps us alive and without the sun we wouldn't be able to see the moon anyway. this is really a matter of your own opinion. but i agree with the person abuv me. we need the sun 2 live and see. although, there isn't really a chance that the moon will blind, burn u or give u cancer.

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Can staring at a super moon cause a person to go blind?

Moon gets the energy from sun. Moon does not emits the ionizing radiations. So you can enjoy the super moon with out any problem to your eye sight.