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They used the Nile river to transport things as the also built canals through out the river for farming an other needs

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Q: What techniques did the Egyptians use to develope transportation?
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What type of transportation did the ancient Egyptians use?

they used camels

Did Egyptians use oxen as a form of transportation?

oh ya

What else did Ancient Egyptians use for transportation?

they used chariots or camels

How did the Egyptians use other natural resources?

They drank from it ud=sed it as transportation and food.

What did egyptians use for transportation?

they used boats, animals such as donkeys and horses, and they also got the items by foot.

What agriculture techniques did egyptians use?

Agricultural techniques Ancient Egyptians used were:1) Digging irrigation canals that carried river water to dry areas.2) They used a tool called a shaduf to spread water across their fields.

What agriculture techniques did ancient Egyptians use?

Agricultural techniques Ancient Egyptians used were:1) Digging irrigation canals that carried river water to dry areas.2) They used a tool called a shaduf to spread water across their fields.

What technology did the Egyptians use to move water from the Nile their crops?

In order to have healthy crops the Egyptians used irrigation techniques to water their crops. Irrigation is the artificial application of water to crops.

What technology did the Egyptians use to move the water from the Nile to their crops?

In order to have healthy crops the Egyptians used irrigation techniques to water their crops. Irrigation is the artificial application of water to crops.

What technologys did the Egyptians use to move water from the Nile to their crops?

In order to have healthy crops the Egyptians used irrigation techniques to water their crops. Irrigation is the artificial application of water to crops.

What type of ways did the egyptians use the nile river?

provided them with thick, rich soilgreat soil for growing cropsand transportation

What did the egyptians invent that you use today?

Ancient Egyptians invented many things that are still used today, including makeup, hair removal techniques, and calendars. They also invented plows and toothpaste.