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Q: What techniques does Twain use to create sympathy for his characters in particular Jim Are these techniques effective?
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What about the other characters in the story do you feel sympathy over them?

Yes, I feel sympathy for some of the other characters in the story. They all face their own struggles and challenges, and their actions and decisions are often shaped by their own experiences and circumstances. It is important to consider their perspectives and motivations when looking at the story as a whole.

How do you get the books in Fullmetal Alchemist Dual Sympathy?

You get more books, or "Abilities" by beating the game as different characters and beating the characters. I would suggest beating the game with Edward, and then beating it with Scar. It's the fastest. ~ Aki

Is sympathy a mood?

no, sympathy is a feeling

How do you spell sympathy?

Sympathy is correct.

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indifferent: apathetic; marked by a lack of interest; showing no care or concern in attitude or actionHaving no particular interest or sympathy; unconcerned:

When was With Sympathy created?

With Sympathy was created in 1982.

What is the abstract noun for sympathy?

The abstract noun for sympathy is "compassion." It refers to the feeling of understanding and caring for someone else's emotions or situation.

What benefit is there to creating a back story for a character?

Actors find these elements add depth to a perfomance. Readers also find depth and sympathy with well rounded characters. Authors of any sort can benefit from adding a backstory to round out their characters.

How can the word 'sympathy' be used in a sentence?

I can give you several sentences.I have a lot of sympathy for her.His sympathy was appreciated.The funeral guests stopped to pay their sympathy to Mom.

Is extreme sympathy for inanimate objects a symptom of any particular mental illness?

It could be but again,it could be just the hormonal changes in your body during puberty.

What is a sentence that uses the word sympathy?

I feel sympathy for my friend who lost her job.