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The hydrogen bomb and the intercontinential ballistic missle were the main ones.

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Q: What technological developments during the 1950s contributed to an arms race that would last for more than 30 years?
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Technological advances of the 1950s?


What technological develpmoents during the 1950's contributed to an arms race that would last for more than 30 years?

The most important development in the 1950s was the introduction of ICBMs or intercontinental ballistic missiles. They were a more effective delivery system for nuclear weapons.

What are some technological advances in the 1950s?

The Jet Engine, the computer.

What were the most important developments of the 1950s?

I became super great at everything :) the beginning.

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What was Americas culture in the 1950s?

During the 1950s many believed Americas culture was

What did not contribute to the economic growth in the 1950s?

In the 1950s, manufacturers of baby products reaped huge profits due to the massive military budgets further contributed to American economic growth.

What contributed to the realization of the American dream in 1950s?

The increase in income available for consumerism The growth of household incomes

What contributed to the realization of the American Dream in the 1950s?

. The increase in income available for consumerism The growth of household incomes

What industry grew most rapidly during the 1950s?

service -nova net

How did the Americans challenge the social reality during the 1950s?

The Americans challenged the social reality during the 1950s by addressing equality issues.

What contributed to the economic successes of the US in the 1950s?

Other industrial countries had suffered more from World War II