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Eastern Woodland Indians used a variety of technologies to support their way of life, such as birchbark canoes for transportation, bows and arrows for hunting, and a variety of tools made from materials like stone, bone, and wood for tasks like farming and crafting. They were also known for their intricate beadwork and pottery-making techniques.

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Q: What technology did the eastern woodland Indians use?
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What technology did the Pacific Northwest Indians use?

Pacific Northwest Indians used a variety of technologies, such as canoes carved from cedar trees for transportation, cedar bark and cedar roots for weaving baskets and hats, and stone tools for hunting and fishing. They also developed fishing tools like harpoons and traps, and used fire for cooking, warmth, and managing the environment.

Did first nations people in British Columbia use smelting technology to create copper plaques?

Yes, First Nations people in British Columbia did use smelting technology to create copper plaques. This technology allowed them to extract copper from ore and shape it into intricate designs for ceremonial purposes.

Who were the first people to use burial mounds?

The first people to use burial mounds were ancient societies in various parts of the world, such as the Egyptians, Chinese, and Native Americans. These societies constructed burial mounds to bury their deceased and as a way to honor and remember them.

Did ute indians use the atlatl as a weapon?

Yes, the Ute Indians did use the atlatl as a weapon. The atlatl was a throwing stick used to propel spears with more force and speed. It was commonly used by many Native American tribes for hunting and warfare.

What is the difference between Neolithic and Bronze Age technology?

Neolithic technology refers to the Stone Age period characterized by the use of stone tools and the development of agriculture. Bronze Age technology, on the other hand, marks the advent of metalworking, specifically the use of bronze tools and weapons. The Bronze Age represents a technological advancement beyond the Neolithic age due to the introduction of metalworking.

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What kinds of songs and chants did the eastern woodland Indians use?

the went kakakakakakakak

What did the eastern woodland Indians use to make string?

The Woodland Indians used natural resources to make their jewelry. Shells that were colorful were used to decorate. The Indians believed there were magic in the wampum shells.

How did the eastern woodland use their environment?

they didnt

What did the woodland Indians use for transportation?

They used canoes for transportaion.

What materials did the eastern woodland use for clothing?

They used buffalo skin.

What did the woodland Indians use pottEry for?

Eating Drinking Filling water and more

What do northeastern woodland Indians use for transportation?

mainly canoes and their feet :D

How did the eastern woodlands use technology?

Woods don't use technology.

During which period did the bow and arrow come into use?

The period in which the bow and arrow was into use was The Woodland Indians. :))))

What did the woodland Indians use for weapons?

They used wood knifes and such pretty much anything they could find.

What technology did the Pacific Northwest Indians use?

Pacific Northwest Indians used a variety of technologies, such as canoes carved from cedar trees for transportation, cedar bark and cedar roots for weaving baskets and hats, and stone tools for hunting and fishing. They also developed fishing tools like harpoons and traps, and used fire for cooking, warmth, and managing the environment.