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Q: What technology was available to Henry Moseley that enabled him to make his discovery?
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What did the technology do to improved ordinary glass?

The invention of plastic, enabled the production of both bullet-proof, and toughened safety glass. Since both these products have a plastic sheet sandwiched between them.

What two eruptions enabled scientists to study them?

saint helens

How scientific developments affected the cultural movement of the nineteenth century?

By the early nineteenth century, the harnessing of steam power enabled humans to vastly multiply the energy generated from burning coal, thereby greatly expanding the amount of energy available to humans per capita, that is, to each individual.

How do science and technology affect your lives?

In today's world, science and technology (S&T) have taken on evergreater importance in daily life, a trend that will continue as we enter the 21stcentury. They have brought untold advances in medicine, communication, andTransportation, making our everyday world vastly different from that of earlier Generations.Science and technology is an essential part of everyday life in the modern world.Science and technology have improved our life in many ways. First of all, science together with technology plays a strong role in the industrialization as well as modernization of the world. It's clearly seen that robots are now replacing humans in many factories especially nuclear ones. Moreover, there is no doubt that our daily life has been made a lot more convenient thanks to the help of science and technology. Medical science has also discovered new kinds of treatments for diseases which were thought to be incurable. An average person spends quite a lot of time using a computer or keeping in touch with his/her friends and families via such things as the Internet or the mobile phone. In addition, we could also entertain by watching TV, listening to music, playing video games thanks to many scientific and technological achievements. With the reasons listed below, I totally believe science and technology helps improve our living standard.Science and technology are probably the most debated topics in society. Scientific and technological developments have been debated as to whether they affect people's life styles and cause hassle. On the contrary, science and technology has improved our way of life for the better of mankind. Medical advancements, computers and simple inventions such as the light bulb are all examples of how science and technology is beneficial. In each of these cases, there are no undesirable changes to people's life styles. If it were not for many, if not all, of these changes in our history, we as an economy and nation would have fallen apart. Looking into the past, we can see all of the beneficial advancements we have made and how far we have come. Scientific and technological developments such as medical research to find a cure for AIDS, modern health care and computers are beneficial in the role of improving people's lives and do not come at the cost of undesirable changes to them.ScienceScience covers the study of everything from medicine to the human thought processes to the make up of the Earth. The most general definition describes science as the enterprise that organizes and builds knowledge that gives explanations and predictions about the world. Science affects daily life from first thing in the morning, pasteurized milk on cereal, until last thing at night, the toothpaste used to clean teeth.The biggest effect that science has on human life is in the form of medicine. The development of medicine has enabled human life to be sustained for longer and for pandemics and diseases to be controlled or killed off completely. The constant developments made by scientists are giving humans healthier lives and a better chance of survival.TechnologyAs a general term, technology is the making, knowledge and usage of tools, crafts, techniques and systems in order to serve a purpose or solve a problem. The development of technology has allowed people to drive cars, communicate instantly across the globe and even reach out into space. Even the discovery of fire was a technological landmark and without it life would be unrecognizable.Science and technology affects modern life in nearly every aspect. While some developments are seen as far more positive than others, each has their own impact on our lives.

Who is rachel zimmerman?

rachel zimmerman was the person who invented the blisssymbol Printer, which enabled people that couldn't speak to communicate with other people-she was only 12 years old