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No less than 95 degrees. But no higher than 110.

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Q: What temp should a bearded dragon's basking area be?
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What is the temperature that bearded dragons have to be kept at?

The basking area should be between 30 and 37degrees C. The cooler end is fine at room temperature. Look out for gaping, this could mean the enclosure is too hot.

Do bearded dragons usually have dilated pupils?

If the bearded dragon is in a dark area, yes. In bright light the pupils should be constricted.

Can bearded dragons jump?

ABSOLUTELY. If you have one, for a little variety, catch some moths (if you live in a pesticide free area) and your question will be answered visually.

What is the temp for water dragons?

Assuming you are talking about Chinese water dragons, daytime temperatures should range from 84 to 88 degrees Fahrenheit, with a basking area of 95. Night time temps should range from 75 to 80 degrees. :)

How hot does water have to be for bearded dragons swim in?

Bearded Dragons DO NOT need to swim ! They are a DESERT species - native to central desert area of AUSTRALIA ! The only time they need to be anywhere near water - is to drink !

Do blue belly swifts do good in a cage with bearded dragons?

Never house reptiles together that are not found naturally in the same area ! Bearded Dragons a native to Australia - Swifts are a native species of America !

What temperature do bearded dragons need to be in?

First off make sure you have nothing smaller then a 50 gallon fish tank for a Bearded Dragon. You should have 2 temps in your tank. A basking spot with rocks should be between 100-110F with a cooler side of the tank (along with a UBV light) being between 75-85F

What do bearded dragons need to survive?

Beardies are desert dwelling reptiles meaning they need hot temperatures. The need a hot spot (Basking spot) and a cool spot. Normally owners will split their tanks in half which is just easier. The hot spot needs to have a proper basking light to keep the temps between 100-110F and the cooler side has a UVB light and stays betwen 75-85F. Humidity should be as low as possible.

How often should you bath a bearded dragon?

Bearded Dragons don't NEED a bath ! They are a desertspecies, who's natural home is the dry central area of Australia ! They would never seek out water to 'bathe' in, in their natural habitat - unless they wanted to drink it !

Are bearded dragons bred in Alabama?

Bearded Dragons are one of the commonest reptiles available for the 'pet' trade. Check your local business directory for businesses in you area. from personal experience, I would say never buy a reptile without seeing it in person first !

What is the pulse rate of a bearded dragon?

It is very hard to get an accurate heart rate on bearded dragons. Being reptiles they thermoregulate there temperature by basking in the sun. This causes a fluxuation in both respitory and pulse rates. In cooler setting the beardie will have a slower pulse and take slow deep breaths, while when basking their pulse becomes much faster and there breaths are more rapid. When basking their body temp can reach 110 degrees. You should watch that their environment has gradient areas so the beardie can move to cooler areas when he needs to. Its best to have a basking area at 105-110 degrees, a middle warm area at 75-85 degrees, and allowing the environment to reach mid 60's at night, as it would in the desert. This will in turn regulate the proper heart and respitory rates.

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