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Q: What temperature does coagulation of custard happen?
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Can you reheat custard from room temperature?

Powdered custard yes, remove the skin ontop and heat, add extra water if too thick. Fresh egg made custard, I wouldn't recommend for bacterial concequences, also it really depends how long it has been sat out at room temperature.

What is the function of milk in custard?

Prime Minister. yeah cos that's the answer u stupid person how immature can u get?

Will custard evaporate and why?

All substances can evaporate. If custard were exposed to a vacuum, all the water would evaporate off, but the more solid parts may remain. Custard doesn't evaporate when heated because it burns at a lower temperature than it it evaporates, and a good chef never cooks custard high enough to burn anyway.

What is the humoral coagulation system?

The humoral coagulation system refers to the protein coagulation factor component.

What temperature should you not exceed when baking a baked custard?

If you mean when are they done, the answer is when they reach an internal temperature of 180 degrees Fahrenheit. In terms of baking in the oven it depends. I usually start at 425 for 15 minutes to set the crust and then lower to 300 so I don't over bake the custard.

What is the significance of coagulation?

Coagulation is a process where solids begin to form, in a liquid. Like when your cut begins to scab over, that is coagulation.

What is coagulation of an egg?

what is blood coagulation?

What coagulation factors are measured by the PT?

Prothrombin time (PT) measures the activity of coagulation factors in the tissue factor pathway of the coagulation cascade.

Coagulation in cooking?

Coagulation is the thickening of a dish due to gelling of fat or gelatin.

Which of the following is important in blood coagulation?

Vitamin K is important in blood coagulation.