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Q: What temperature is needed to melt a starburst?
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Why do pink starburst melt faster than orange starburst?

Children enjoy the pink starburst because they are the most flavorful and orgasmic of all the starburst flavors. So they're holding the pink starburst in their sweaty little hands/gaping warm mouths more often than the orange ones, which are sort of nasty and left out in the cold causing the pink ones to melt faster. There also might be something up with the ingredients that make pink taste so much better but that isn't yet confirmed.

Why don't rocks in earth's lower crust upper crust and mantle melt?

The rocks don't melt because they are under tremendous pressure. High pressure raises the temperature needed to melt something.

Why is the core solid if it is the hottest layer of earth?

The inner core is under enormous pressure, which raises the temperature needed to melt it above its actual temperature.

Does a rock melt when pressure increases?

No. Rock melts when temperature reaches a high enough point. Increasing pressure actually raises the temperature needed to melt rock, so it can actually cause molten rock to solidify.

if there is high temperature on the pole then why ice not melt?

It does melt.

Can sodium chloride melt at a very high temperature?

Yes you can melt it. But you want a high temperature.

What temperature does white chocolate melt at?

i believe its thesame as your body temperature that's why it melt in your mouth and pocket

At what temperature does h20 melt?

well it freezes at 0c or 32f so it will melt if subjected to a higher temperature

Does ice melt faster in a room temperature glass or in a frozen glass?

ice melt in the room temperature

Why is heat energy needed to melt a solid what is heat energy called?

Under what. Condition heat can given to a substances without raising its temperature

Increasing the melt temperature for a given material is likely to result in?

Increasing the melt temperature the material can be transformed in a gas.