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It does melt.

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Q: If there is high temperature on the pole then why ice not melt?
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How can global temperature cause problems?

ice in the north pole can melt and we would most likely drown in the wet ice

Why is the North Pole a piece of floating ice?

The North Pole is situated in the Arctic Ocean, where the temperature is never warm enough to melt the thick sea ice that freezes much of the year.

Why does ice melt faster on counter top than in the fridge?

The temperature on the counter top is high compared to that inside a fridge. A high temperature usually makes ice to melt faster than a low one.

Does ice melt faster in water or alcohol?

Assuming they are the same temperature, the ice will melt faster in water, due to water's high specific heat.

Does ice melt faster in a room temperature glass or in a frozen glass?

ice melt in the room temperature

When will ice melt in celcius?

0° Celsius is the temperature at which ice starts to melt.

Why does an ice block melt when left out in open?

The surrounding temperature increases the temperature of the ice block causing it to melt.

Why do the ice cubes melt when the temperature rises?

They melt because the heat in the air is warmer than the temperature of the ice cubes.

Above what temperature centigrade does ice melt?

Ice begins to melt at Zero degrees...

What does make ice melt?

An ambient temperature that is greater than the ice will cause it to melt.

Can Ice Melt In The North Pole?

it depends if it is hot yes if its not no

What substances melt at room temperature?

ice can melt at room temperature. Anything that is liquid at room temperature would, in its frozen state, melt at room temperature. Oils, beverages and mercury - if in a frozen state - would melt when exposed to room temperature.