

What temperature levels should a greenhouse be?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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14y ago

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There is no one temperature for greenhouses. The temperature and humidity are matched to the type of plant in the beds and the stage of that plant's growth.

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Q: What temperature levels should a greenhouse be?
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What happens when greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere decrease?

Green house effect causesthe temperature. temperature will decrease if gas levels down.

What is the relationship betwee carbon dioxide and atmospheric temperature?

CO2 is a greenhouse gas, meaning that as atmospheric levels of it rise, the temperature should gradually increase. This has, in fact, been observed.

The temperature of the Earth is rising due to the increase of what?

Increased levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are causing global warming.

Why would increased levels of greenhouse gases contribute to higher tempertures on earth?

Greenhouse gasses 'trap' the warmth of the sun inside the atmosphere. This causes the air temperature to rise.

Which is the common greenhouse gas in the atmosphere?

The most common greenhouse gas responsible for the natural greenhouse effect is water vapour. Man has no control over its levels. When it gets too high, it falls as rain.The most common greenhouse gas responsible for the accelerated greenhouse effect is carbon dioxide (CO2), the high levels of which we are responsible for. CO2 is having the largest effect on the recent increases in global temperature.

Why does the temperature rise when greenhouse gas levels increase?

The higher the concentration of greenhouse gas (GHG), the more infrared radiation (heat) is trapped in the atmosphere. Under normal circumstances, earth warms during the day and cools off at night. Increased GHG levels increase the heat absorbed and decrease the heat emitted. This gradually increases the temperature.

How do you overwinter plants in a greenhouse?

Overwinter plants in a greenhouse by simulating the season and temperature of winter in the greenhouse.

What would be the temperature on the earth with greenhouse gases?

The earth's overall temperature with greenhouse gases is 76442 degrees F.

Why would increased levels of greenhouse gases contribute to higher temperatures?

Greenhouse gases trap the heat rising fom the earth. Increased levels of greenhouse gases mean that global warming will get worse.

Is the greenhouse effect increasing sea levels?

The natural greenhouse effect is not raising sea levels, but the enhanced (or accelerated) greenhouse effect which is causing global warming, is. The warmer atmosphere is melting glaciers and expanding the water in the oceans, so sea levels are rising.

When carbon dioxide levels increase in the atmosphere what happens to global temperatures?

When greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide increase in the atmosphere then the temperature rises. Greenhouse gases capture heat rising from the surface of the earth and prevent it escaping to space.