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110 to 115 degrees Fahrenheit

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Q: What temperature must you dissolve yeast into liquid at?
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How could you dissolve more solid solute in saturated solution in liquid solvent?

Increasing the temperature the solubility increase.

Is there a maximum temperature for a solid to dissolve?

The temperature must be under the decomposition temperature of the substance.

What must occur for a solution to form?

The correct answer is as follows: One Substance Must Dissolve In Another.

What must happen to the temperature of the liquid for vaporization to occur?

The temperature must be hot to do so.

What characteristics must a liquid have before it can be used in a thermometer?

One thermometric property that is required is that it must vary linearly with temperature. In liquid-in-glass thermometers, the length of the liquid thread is often used to determine temperature. Thus when temperature increases, the liquid must expand uniformly with temperature, so that it can be used to measure temperature accurately.

What does it mean if a liquid turns into a solid?

The temperature affecting the liquid must have been below freezing for the liquid to turn into a solid.

What sentence for dissolve?

so how does sugar dissolve In? And how it doesn't dissolve in oil?

What is meant by saturation temperature and saturation pressure?

The temperature and pressure of the atmosphere must be at that point or in an interval of values for the substance to be saturated. When mixing solutions, the temperature and pressure must be within a certain range for the substance to dissolve.

What happens to the temperature when a liquid changes into a gas?

The temperate of the liquid must rise in order to evaporate into a gas.

How do you get from a liquid to a gas?

You must either increase the temperature of the liquid or decrease the pressure acting on the liquid (i.e., decrease the air pressure).

What condition must exist for a liquid to boil?

When a liquid is heated to a temperature at which particles throughout the liquid have enough kinetic energy to vaporize, the liquid begins to boil.