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I'm sorry, but this question CANNOT be answered, because you did not specify the species of gecko.

Geckos come from habitats as diverse as desert scrubland, tropical rainforest, and cool montane rainforest. Popular pet species range from animals that will die if kept over 80F, to those that will die if kept UNDER 80F.

Obviously, the temperature of egg incubation varies accordingly.

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Q: What temperature of incubation does a gecko egg need to be?
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How long does it take for gecko eggs to incubate?

Depending on the specie, will determine the incubation period. Species in smaller size will usually have a smaller egg, which will have a shorter incubation period than a larger specie. Typically eggs will take 40-120 days in most common gecko species.

How long to lay a gecko egg?

It depends on what type of gecko.

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if you keep the eggs at around 50 degrees the egg will last about 5 days before you need to start incubation but sooner is always better

Can the disstance of heat from the egg affect the incubation period of the chicken egg?

Yes. It can.