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Q: What tends to weaken and destroy our reasoning ability?
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colonialism is simply a means wich tends to destroy the colonies and ruin their life in all its aspects

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From my experience yes. my favorite Leo is a crazy one that tends to destroy my toasters. He's crazy! I don't know why Leos are like that, Taurus aren't.

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"a (harmful) substance with an inherent property that tends to destroy life or impair health"Information taken from:

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Possible, however not recommended. Being personally involve in the case tends to interfere with the object reasoning to properly represent yourself. There are company that help. see links below

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A conservative.

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No, you do not get emancipated just because you get pregnant. Your ability to get pregnant has nothing to do with your ability to contract or be considered an adult. It actually tends to work against the concept of being a responsible adult.

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