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Q: What term best describes president Lincoln and relationships with his military years from 1861 to 1862?
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What term best describes president Lincoln's relationship with his military leaders?

President Lincoln was frustrated with his military leaders from 1861 to 1862.

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Was Andrew Johnson a military governor or a vice president?

Andrew Johnson was Military Governor of Tennessee from 1862 to 1864 when Lincoln chose him to be the Vice President on his reelection ticket. From Lincoln's Second Inauguration until Lincoln's Assassination (both in 1865), Andrew Johnson served as Vice President. Upon Lincoln's Assassination, he ascended to the Presidency.

What was the hightest military rank earned by Lincoln?

US President Lincoln remained a civilian leader in the US Civil War. He was able to make small and large military decisions based on his role of Commander in Chief. This was the Constitutional position that brought the US president into overall charge of the military commanders.

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No. Lincoln was the President, based in Washington. He could not have been part of a military unit.

Which best describe the context of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address?

Which choice best describes the context of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address? A president honoring follen soldiers.

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Lincoln, US Civil War (1861-1865).

Which military event was directly related to President Lincoln's reelection in 1864?

fall of atlanta

Which statement best describes President Lincoln's policy toward the South after the Civil War?

"Let 'em up easy"

At the beginning of the Civil War President Abraham Lincoln favored?

quick military action to show the folly of secession.

What was Abraham Lincoln's military rank?

He was a captain in the Illinois militia. And while President, he was Commander in Chief.

Who was the President during Abraham Lincoln's presidency?

Abraham Lincoln was the president when Abraham Lincoln was the president.