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Q: What term best describes the type of energy an object ha as a result of is position or shape?
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The energy that an object has as a result of its position or shape?

potential energy

What term is defined as energy stored in an object as result of a change in its position?

That is called potential energy.

What is meant by potential energy of a body?

ability to do work as a result of the position/shape, etc. of an object

Energy which is a result of an object's height above the earth is?

Energy which is a result of an object's height above the earth is potential energy.

Define elastic potential energy and gravitional potential energy?

Gravitational potential energy, is the energy an object possesses by reason of its position in a gravitational field. While elastic potential energy, is the energy stored by a material or object as a result of deformation e.g. the energy stored in a bow when it is stretched.

The energy an object has a result of its motion?

is Kenetic Energy

What happens to the object's potential energy when it is dropped?

When an object is dropped, its potential energy decreases. This is because potential energy is a result of an object's position or height above the ground. As the object falls, it loses height, which leads to a decrease in potential energy. At the same time, the object gains kinetic energy, which is the energy of motion.

What is the energy that is stored as a result of position or shape?

Potential energy

Which type of energy is stored energy as a result of a change in position or condition?

pontential energy

What term describes the result when force is apllied to an object?

The object is given an acceleration if the force exceeds the force of static friction on the object.

Why a kite stuck in a tree have a potential energy?

A kite stuck in a tree has potential energy because it is elevated above the ground. Potential energy is the energy an object possesses due to its position or state. In this case, the kite's potential energy is a result of its elevated position in the tree, and it can be converted into kinetic energy if it were to fall.

What is the definition of machanical energy?

it is the energy acquired by the object upon which work is doneORenergy an object has because of its motion or positionORthe sum of kinetic and potential energy present at the same timeMechanical energy is the sum of potential energy and kinetic energy present in the components of a mechanical system. It is the energy associated with the motion and position of an object.All energy can be expressed in Joules (including thermal energy). Mechanical energy is the result of a mechanical force, expressed in Newtons, multiplied by a distance in meters.MovementThe form of energy associated with the motion, position, or shape of an objects is called mechanical energy.