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Q: What term describes painful or difficult urination?
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Which term describes painful urination?

Dysuria (dis-YOU-ree-ah) is difficult, or painful urination (dys- means painful, and -uria means urination). This condition is frequently associated with urinary tract infections

What is the medical term meaning condition of dysuria and hesitancy often associated with the aging process?

painful or difficult urination.

What is the Medical term meaning difficult or painful urination?

Dysuria is the medical term meaning difficult or painful urination. It is usually accompanied with dribbling and weak urine flow, difficulty starting urine, pain or burning sensation when urinating. This condition is usually caused by inflammation in bladder or urethra, or prostate problems in men. To cure difficult or painful urination caused by male urinary/reproductive system diseases, herbal medicine called diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill is a good treatment option.

What term describes the condition of urination involuntarily?

Urinary incontinence

What medical term means painful or difficult digestion?

Dyspepsia is the medical term for difficult digestion. It is more commonly known as indigestion.

What is the medical term meaning involuntary release of urine?

Enuresis is the medical meaning urinary incontinence. Primary enuresis means that the patient has never had control over urination. In contrast, secondary enuresis means the patient had been continent, but then lost the control of urination. Nocturnal enuresis means bedwetting.

Why do we refer urination as pee?

Pee is "short" for piss, an older term for urination.

What is the medical term meaning urinary disorder caused by a bacterial infection causes painful frequent urination strong odor and lower abdominal pain?

Cystitis, commonly known as bladder infection.

What are the medical terms for unrination?

Urination is a medical term for the passing of urine. Uresis and miction are synonyms for urination.

What is the medical term meaning something that stimulates urination?

Polyuria is the medical term meaning urinary frequency.

What is the medical term meaning difficult digestion?

Dysphagia is the medical term for difficulty swallowing.

What is the medical term meaning lack of urination or lack of urin formation by the kidneys?

Anuria is the term for lack of urination (less than 50 ml of urine per day). Oliguria is the term for a low level of urination.