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Q: What term describes the act of raising the corners of the mouth to smile?
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What is the difference between a smile and a frown?

A smile typically represents happiness or positivity, with the corners of the mouth turned up. A frown, on the other hand, indicates sadness or displeasure, with the corners of the mouth turned down. The facial muscles involved in creating these expressions are different, leading to distinct emotional meanings.

What muscle makes you smile?

The zygomaticus muscle is responsible for elevating the corners of the mouth and lips.

What action is done with the zygomticus?

The zygomticus muscle is what makes you smile. It lifts up the corners of your mouth.

Muscle used to smile and laugh is the?

zygomaticus - It raises the lateral corners of the mouth upward (called the smiling muscle)

What is a Chelsea smile?

a Chelsea smile is when a person is cut from the mouth to the bottom of the ear.usually the victim is kicked in the stomache causing them to scream and deepen the cut and leave a perminant scar of a bigger smile..

What takes 18 muscles to do?

Some say that it takes 18 muscles to smile, but at minimum, it actually takes 10 muscles to lift the upper lip and corners of mouth to form a simple smile.

Do golden retriever's smile?

they have a joyful scent and they are very playful and loving. they will make you laugh by licking you or sniffing.

What does grinning mean?

A grin is when you smile widely and bare your teeth.

What does frown mean?

It's the opposite of "smile." If you're frowning, it means the corners of your mouth are turned down, like you're sad. If you frown upon something, it means you disapprove of it.

What had a mouth but cannot smile?

A river mouth.

Is a smile a feature?

No. The mouth is the feature, a smile is an "expression".

How many mucsles does it take to smile?

This depends on which elements of a smile you are refering to. The act of raising the corners of your mouth is done by three muscles, primarily the zygomaticus major and risorius muscles and aided by the buccinator muscle. If you squint your eyes while you smile you may also use orbicularis oculi. If you scrunch your nose with your smile then you may also use your procerus and nasalis muscle. If your forehead wrinkles and eyebrows raise then your occipitofrontalis helps as well. For someone with a very expressive smile, they are likely using alot of their facial muscles (up to 15, the rest would oppose a smile and cause frowning).