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Manic depression

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Q: What term for bipolar disorder has general use?
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For what people use lithium?

bipolar disorder

Where can someone find info about bipolar disorder?

Bipolar Disorder is a common mental illness that can be controlled by the use of medicine. To find out if you have bipolar disorder you should first consult your physician for an prescription to see a psychologist. If you are looking for other routes, you can always search Web MD.

Is Bipolar disorder genetic?

Yes BiPolar is genetic and it is highly likely that someone who has BiPolar has a family member with the same condition. But not always i mean someone has to be first.

What is use of serta-25 drug?

To Treat Depression , Bipolar Disorder , sometimes for migraine .

Use psychosis in a sentence?

Jerry suffers from bipolar disorder, which the doctor tells him is a form of psychosis.

What is the drug lithium prescribed for?

dont try to use it unless your crazy.

How detrimental is the use of cannabis on a person with bipolar disorder?

People with bipolar (or any other) disorder affecting emotional stability should not use any mood-altering drug that is not prescribed by a specialist in mood disorders. That includes all legal and illegal intoxicating drugs. Marijuana is particularly undesirable, as it has been connected with the development of depressive disorder.

What is lithiums use?

mostly used to power electronic devices.

Does the recreational use of alcohol affect bipolar disorder?

Yes, when someone is in the depressed phase of Bipolar Disorder it can make the depression worse. When someone is in the manic phase it can lead to them being more impulsive and lead to taking greater risks than either alcohol alone, or mania alone. Also alcohol can interact with many of the medications used to treat Bipolar illness adversely. It should also be noted that people with Bipolar disorder will often self medicate with alcohol and other non-prescribed drugs when not adequately being treated. The degree of ones Bipolar illness will also be a determining factor in how much alcohol will affect one with Bipolar Disorder.

Some Facts About Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar disorder is a state where the patient suffers from manic episodes alternating with depression. Sometimes the manic episodes are so extreme, with the patient no longer able to use good judgment, that they need to be hospitalized. Lithium is helpful for people with bipolar disorder, especially when it's used with serotonin reuptake inhibitors taken under a physician's supervision. People who suffer from bipolar disorder also have disturbed sleep patterns and tend to be very sensitive to bright light. Therefore, light therapy might also be helpful.

How does bipolar affect behavior?

Bipolar disorder can affect behavior by causing periods of elevated mood (mania) and depressive episodes. During manic episodes, a person may engage in risky behaviors such as reckless spending or drug use. Depressive episodes can lead to feelings of sadness, fatigue, and withdrawal from social activities.

What treatments are recommended for a person with a bipolar illness?

There are two main ways to treat bipolar disorder I can think of. The first way to treat bipolar disorder is through the use of medication go see a doctor to get medicine for any type of depression, anxiety your feeling. The second way to treat bipolar disorder is through therapy, see a psychologist to talk about your problems, and learn how to use zen meditation from the internet. Meditation has helped me alot with my depression.