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A taxon of closely related species that share a recent common ancestor is a genus.

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Divergent evolution is when different species have similar characteristics due to a common ancestor. An example is a human arm and a birds wing, both of which came from the same ancestor.

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Homologous Structures

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Q: What term is used to describe structures that come from a common ancestor?
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the species come from a common ancestor

Do giraffe come from horses?

No, they both come from a common, equine-like ancestor.

Where would you go to find out if someone was your cousin?

You need to find out if you have a common ancestor, as this is what determines if you are cousins. If your common ancestor is your grandfather, you are 1st cousins. If your common ancestor is your great-grandfather, you are 2nd cousins. If your common ancestor is your grandfather and their great-grandfather, you are 1st cousins once removed. It can get complicated, so once you find your common ancestor, come back and let us know, and someone can tell you exactly.

Example of an homologous structure?

These are similar structures that animals may share in early development that come from a common ancestor. For example, if you were to take a look at chickens and turtles still in an egg, believe it or not they would look quite similar.

What evidence suggests that humans and bats have a common ancestor?

For one, both humans and bats are in the class Mamalia, which is reason enough to suggest that they come from a common ancestor. The modern classification system, developed by Linnaeus, and modified by scientists such as Darwin and Lyell, is based of common ancestors. So, all mammals come from a common ancestor. How do we know this? Well, all mammals share a peculiar trait: All mammals are completely indistinguishable at the pre embryonic stage. This proves that bats and humans come from common ancestry.

Where did the word kettle come from?

Kettle is of Germanic origin and shares a common linguistic ancestor with the German word Kessel.

What is the difference between a homologous structure and a analogous structure?

Homologous structures are different forms of animal anatomy which have come from the some origin (a common ancestor), these can be extremely different in appearance and function. For example a bats wing, a seals flipper and a human arm all have common bone and muscle structures suggesting that they all derived from a common ancestor. Vestigial structures are parts of the anatomy which have lost their original function through the evolutionary process and no longer obtain a major functional role in that animals life. For example in human the appendix's original function was to break down cellulose in plant material, other vestigial functions in humans include the coccyx (tailbone) and ear muscles.

To come from an ancestor?

An ancestor is a parent, grandparent, great-grandparent, great-great-grandparent. To come from an ancestor you would be directly related to these people by birth.

It is true that the man came from an ape?

no. man did not come from apes but we do have a common ancestor with them. Both created by the one true God!

How are vertebrate embryos evidence of evolution?

All vertebrate embryos look roughly the same, showing that they come from a common ancestor.

Is it true that we all started off as gorillas?

No. Humans and gorillas evolved from the same common ancestor, but one did not come from the other.

Do toads come from frogs?

No. Although frogs & toads share a common ancestor, they are now classified as completely separate species.