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Q: What term is used to describe water with too little oxygen to support life?
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High oxygen content in water is an indication that?

The water can support fish

Why can earth support life and mars cannot?

Mars unlike earth is to cold has a little bit of water and oxygen. it cant support human life- but there may be other creatures out there there on planet Mars that it can support . but if humans were there, we would die.

What are the two key substances that support life?

water and oxygen

Compare and contrast the relationships of oxygen and water to fire?

- Oxygen support combustion; combustion is a reaction with oxygen, an oxydation.- Hydrogen is burned with oxygen.- Water can turn off some fires.

What does it take to support life on a planet?

Water + Oxygen + suitable temperature

What are living things that support life on earth?

Water, oxygen, sunlight

How do water act like little magnet?

because its connected to the oxygen

Can mars support life why or why not?

yes it can,it can because there was once water and properties that we humans need today so by scientific research mars can support lifeThere is not one bit of oxygen on Mars, so humans do not have what they need to live most importantly which is oxygen.We know that Mars cannot support Earth-like forms of life because there is very little atmosphere, very little water, and it is too cold. However, we cannot yet rule out the existence of other forms of life that perhaps once did, or perhaps still do, exist on the Red dry, no oxygen.There is no oxygen, water or

What evidence did you observe that oxygen is not very soluble in water?

Oxygen will bubble right out of water with very little of it dissolving (unless there's a lot of pressure involved) because diatomic oxygen is non-polar and water is polar.

What are the chemistry symbols for oxygen and water?

The atomic symbol for oxygen is O. The chemistry symbol for water is H2O. Water covers about 70 percent of our planet & is needed to support life. Without it, we would not exist.

Describe how irrigation on farms influences natural sources of water and the ecosystems they support?

There will be water shortages if too much water is removed from the ecosystem.

What is the importance of solubility of gases to aquatic animals?

Aquatic animals still breathe oxygen, even if in water. If there's little oxygen dissolved in the water, they will suffocate.