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Q: What term means the rebirth of a damaged ecosystem?
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What does the term 'renaissance' mean?

rebirth of livingRenaissance is a French word that means "rebirth."

Define the term renaissance?

Renaissance means renewal or rebirth.

The term renaissance refers to what?

Renaissance literally means 'Rebirth' in French

The term ecosystem means the study of ecology?

false (TJ)

What is the term that means a range of different species in a community?

an ecosystem

How was the Renaissance a time of rebirth in Europe?

The term "renaissance" itself, is French for "rebirth." The renaissance was a time of rebirth of ideas, and it saw a remarkable resurgence of learning and knowledge throughout Europe. The etymology of the term "renaissance" is as follows: It stems from "re-", meaning "again," and "nascere," meaning "be born." So, the term Renaissance means to " be born again".

What is rebirth in India called?

The Hindi term for rebirth is Punar Janam.

What is the term renaissance mean?


What is the term meaning rebirth?


What is the difference between rebirth and reincarnation?

Usually they mean the same. 'rebirth' is a less specific term, e.g. in "Birth of a Nation". Reincarnation means literally "putting on flesh again". The term transmigration means being reincarnated as a different (e.g. animal) species. Metempsychosis has been used for both reincarnation as human or animal.

The term renaissance refers to a?

rebirth of learning

Which term means the largest population of a certain kind of organism that an ecosystem can support?

Carrying capacity