

Best Answer

The term is "Ethnic Cleansing"

Source: College Text Book, Soci

1301 TCC, Ninth Edition, author: Richard T. Schaefer


University, Chapter: 9, section: Understanding the Issue, page: 236

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Q: What term was introduced in the 1990s as a result of the actions that led to the deaths of thousands of Muslims in Bosnia-Herzogovina?
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It is important to note that the vast majority of Muslims around the world do not support or agree with the beliefs and actions of Al Qaeda. The organization's extremist ideology is not representative of the beliefs of most Muslims. It is not accurate or fair to generalize the beliefs of an entire religious group based on the actions of a small extremist minority.

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They perform actions because there repenting their sins? Im not sure, Im asking this question, Because its for a R.E. assesment. I need to find out!!! :) Thank You!!

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