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preciptin tests

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Q: What test can determine wheater blood is human or animal?
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What type of test is used by serologist to determine animal or human blood?

The Precipitin test distinguishes between human and animal blood.

Is there a match of animal blood to a human blood?

No. Only humans have human blood.

How is human blood distinguised from animal blood?

human are also animals.

What is the Difference between human blood from animal blood?

It depends on what kind of animal it is. If it is an amphibian, the red blood cells will have a nucleus. Human red blood cells do not have nuclei.

How is it possible to determine the direction of blood flow from the blood spatter?


What do they usually eat aside from drinking human blood?

they drink animal blood alternative to human blood

Can you turn into an animal if someone injects animal blood into your bloodstream?

No. In fact, you would get very sick. Human blood and animal blood are different. And it's bad the other way, too: if you injected human blood into an animal's bloodstream, the animal would get very sick.

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Are there vampire bats that feed on BOTH animal and human blood?

All vampire bats feed on both human and animal blood, but they rarely feed on humans.

What chromosome determine human blood group?

chromosome 9

Can vampire drink animal blood forever?

yes, but the blood isn't as filling as human blood.

Does vampires feed only on human blood or anything else?

Mainly only human blood, I can't see a vampire draining the blood of an animal.