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DTR testing or deep tendon reflex testing uses a reflex hammer to strike the tendon in an extremity checking for a response or the absence of a response when the muscle is stimulated by the hammer.

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1d ago

The test that makes use of a special hammer is the reflex hammer test. It is used to check the reflexes in various parts of the body by tapping the tendon with the hammer to observe the muscle's response.

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Which of the following tests makes use of a special hammer?

The test that makes use of a special hammer is the neurological examination test known as the reflex hammer test. This test is used to assess deep tendon reflexes by tapping on specific areas on the body with the hammer.

How did stone age people use the hammer stone?

Stone Age people used hammer stones as tools to help shape and modify other stones for various purposes, such as making tools or weapons. By striking a piece of flint or other rock with a hammer stone, they were able to break off flakes or create sharp edges for cutting and hunting. Hammer stones played a crucial role in the early development of technology and tool-making during the Stone Age.

What material did early humans use to tie down the stone for a hammer?

Early humans likely used sinew, plant fibers, or animal tendons to tie down the stone for a hammer. These natural materials were readily available and would have been strong enough to secure the stone in place for use as a tool.

Who were the first people to use the hammer?

The first people to use the hammer were early humans during the Paleolithic period, also known as the Stone Age. They created simple hammers by attaching sharpened stone tools to wooden handles, which they used for various tasks like hunting, building shelters, and crafting objects.

A special type of archaeologist called a makes sure that excavated objects are preserved and protected?

A conservator archaeologist specializes in the preservation and protection of excavated objects. They use specialized techniques and materials to ensure that artifacts remain intact for future study and display. Ultimately, their work helps to safeguard cultural heritage for future generations.