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Q: What test would be most useful in detecting turner syndrome?
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A karyotype would be unable to Turner syndrome?

No, a karyotype shows if a person has Turner syndrome.

If you are a girl and you have turner syndrome when will your growthplates close in your feet?

That would be different for every person with Turner syndrome, just like it would be different for every person without Turner syndrome.

Are heart problems the norm for Turner syndrome women?

Heart problems are more common in women with Turner syndrome, although I do not know if I would say they are the norm.

What happens if a female with Turner Syndrome has the X chromosome inactivated?

Since someone with Turner's syndrome is X0 if you inactivated the X chromosome you would kill the person.

What are serve cases of turner's syndrome?

A severe case of Turner syndrome would be if someone who has many of the characteristics associated with it, especially if these characteristics were the possible problems with the heart, kidney or thyroid.

What would be most useful for detecting the brain areas that are most active as a person performs mathematical calculations?

A PET scan would be most useful for detecting brain areas that are most active as a person performs mathematical calculations.

How many chromosomes would the body of a women born with Turner's syndrome have?

45. 22 pairs plus one chromosome; the one X Turner's syndrome women usually posses.

What chromosome would Turner's syndrome affect?

One of the two X chromosomes.

Which of the following are example(s) of trisomy---Turner Syndrome Down's Syndrome or Klinefelter's Syndrome?

Trisomy means having three copies of a chromosomes. Turner's syndrome is NOT an example of trisomy. Someone with Turner's syndrome has only one X chromosome. Down's syndrome IS an example of trisomy. Someone with Down's syndrome has 3 copies of chromosome 21. Klinefelter's syndrome is a tricky one. On one hand, it would be considered trisomy because they have 3 sex chromosomes. However, they are not all the SAME sex chromosomes. Someone with Klinefelter's has 2 X chromosomes and one Y chromosome.

What would be most useful for detecting the brain areas that are most active as a person performs mathematical calculation?

brain lesion

How common is juvenile arthritis in Turner syndrome?

Juvenile arthritis, an autoimmune condition, has been recently (1998) associated with Turner syndrome. The prevalence seems to be at least six times greater than would be expected if the two conditions were only randomly associated

Does turner syndrome affect a certain demographic?

No, as it is a chromosomal disorder I am fairly sure it would affect all demographics equally.