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No, a karyotype shows if a person has Turner syndrome.

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Q: A karyotype would be unable to Turner syndrome?
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If you are a girl and you have turner syndrome when will your growthplates close in your feet?

That would be different for every person with Turner syndrome, just like it would be different for every person without Turner syndrome.

What type of diagnosis is from a karyotype?

A karyotype tells you if you have the normal ammont of chromosomes (46 for humans), it can also tell you if you have more or less and if this is the case what it is that you have. The most common syndrome would be Down Syndrome, or trisomy 21. Down Syndrome is also called trisomy 21 because if you look at a karyotype from someone that has this syndrome then they have three coppies of the 21st chromosome.

A karyotype would be unable to determine what?

eye color and other traits related to that.

What type of picture would a biologist look at to determine whether a fetus has Down syndrome?

a Karyotype

Does turner's syndrome occur in all cells?

No, only the gametes would be indicative of sterility. It is possible that the individual (though incredibly rare) to have "chimera" syndrome, where two non-identical twins merge to form one fetus. Turner's Syndrome is the absence of the male sex chromosome BTW. That chromosome carries little genetic information, and is possible during mitosis to "loose" it, but still create a mostly viable cell.


Patient A has Down Syndrome or a trisomy 21. The notation would be 47xy+21.

Are heart problems the norm for Turner syndrome women?

Heart problems are more common in women with Turner syndrome, although I do not know if I would say they are the norm.

What happens if a female with Turner Syndrome has the X chromosome inactivated?

Since someone with Turner's syndrome is X0 if you inactivated the X chromosome you would kill the person.

What are serve cases of turner's syndrome?

A severe case of Turner syndrome would be if someone who has many of the characteristics associated with it, especially if these characteristics were the possible problems with the heart, kidney or thyroid.

Describe how the karyotype of an XXY human would differ from that of an XO human?

The karyotype of an XO human would be deficient one X chromosome, compared to that of a normal female, and it would result in a female. Normal human females only use one X chromosome, whereby one is inactivated, which is why an XO human is viable. An XXY human would have one extra X chromosome as compared to that of a normal male, and it would result in a male. Again, an X chromosome is inactivated, which is why an XXY human is viable. XO is referred to as Turner Syndrome. XXY is referred to as Klinefelter Syndrome.

How many chromosomes would the body of a women born with Turner's syndrome have?

45. 22 pairs plus one chromosome; the one X Turner's syndrome women usually posses.

What chromosome would Turner's syndrome affect?

One of the two X chromosomes.