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Q: What the Oceanic and continental means?
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What does continental oceanic collison mean?

is means under the oceanic crust the tectonicplate collide

What 3 types of convergent boundaries exist?

Oceanic-Continental, Oceanic-Oceanic, and Continental-Continental.

What boundary is a syncline in?

Syncline folds are found in Convergent boundaries. (Oceanic - Oceanic, Continental-Continental, Oceanic-Continental)

What are the three sub-types of convergent plate boundaries?

if i thing if gago abno yudipota ka

Is the Pacific plate and oceanic plate or continental plate?

It is oceanic

Convergence can occur between what types of plates?

1. oceanic-continental 2. oceanic-oceanic 3. continental-continental

Compare and contrast the three plate boundaries?

Oceanic-continental convergence (when an oceanic plate meets a continental plate) & oceanic-oceanic convergence (2 oceanic plates) both involve oceanic plates & subduction. Continental-continental convergence (2 continental plates) involves neither.

Examples of where the three types of plate movements occur?

Continental- continental collisions, Continental-oceanic collisions,and Oceanic-oceanic collisions

What does the phrase 'the less buoyant plate is subducted' mean?

This means that the cooler, heavier oceanic plate at an oceanic to oceanic convergent boundary is forced into the mantle - under the hotter, lighter oceanic plate. OR At oceanic to continental boundary the heavier oceanic plate is forced into the mantle under the lighter continental plate.

What is continental - oceanic?

Its when the oceanic crust and the continental crsut colide together.

What are the possible combinations of plate collisions at convergent boundaries?

The three possible combinations would be continental-continental, continental-oceanic, and oceanic-oceanic.