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They would not have seen many different things than we see when we are on Earth or when we fly. They would have seen the Earth itself and the Moon as they got near it, but things like the stars and other planets would not look a lot different from space than they would from Earth. In space, they would not be significantly closer to any of the stars or planets than they would be on Earth. They would have a clearer view of them as they would not be obscured by the atmosphere. Space is called space, because there is not much up there, so there is not a lot to see. The most interesting things for them to see would have been in orbit around the moon and on its surface, and not so much in the journey. Coming back to Earth and when leaving it, there would be a lot to see of Earth itself. It would have been spectacular to look at Earth from space.

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Q: What the astronauts might have seen on the way to the moon?
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Did astronauts went to the moon?

NO, they died halve way!+

Will the current astronauts walk on the moon?

Yes they will , as the shuttle astronauts orbit the earth and the moon there are 3 moon landings that NASA has planed over the next 4 years. Which will include over 100 different astronauts in one way or another.

Why do astronauts take their own air to the moon?

Because there is no air on the moon, in the moon, or on the way to the moon. They have to take their own food and water too.

What did the astronauts do once they were on the moon?

shut up and do your homework the right way kiddo

How did the astronauts that got to the moon get there if the moon is always moving around the earth?

They did it exactly the same way you shoot a duck: They aimed for the place where the moon would be when they arrived there.

What part of the moon did the astronauts land?

There were six moon landings, each at different sites. Google Moon is an excellent way to see where these landings were, and you will find a link to it below.

Why is the weight of astronauts less than what they way on earth?

gravity is stronger on the earth cuz the earth is bigger that the moon :)>'

On what part of the moon did astronauts land on?

There were six moon landings, each at different sites. Google Moon is an excellent way to see where these landings were, and you will find a link to it below.

What was the flight to the moon when all of the astronauts died?

Challenger and Columbia shuttles killed 14 astronauts but they were not destined for the Moon. The Space Shuttle only ever orbits the Earth. 3 Apollo 1 astronauts were killed on the launch pad when their cabin caught fire after a spark ignited the oxygen atmosphere they were breathing. No Apollo astronauts were killed after this disaster. Apollo 13 on it's way to the Moon came close but they managed to get all three home.

Why do astronauts have to be securely safe on the moon?

I'm not really sure what you're asking, but the astronauts live on the moon in much the same way that man lives underwater. They have to take everything with them to survive including food, water, oxygen and a method to purify the air.

What would conditions be like on the moon for humans?

The Apollo 8 astronauts described the moon as very inhospitable. The moon has no way to support humans, Everything man needs to live must be carried with him when he goes into space, that includes the moon. The astronauts who walked on the moon could feel the cold in the lunar shadows. They also felt the heat of the sun through theid suits.

Why do men need to walk in a different way on the moon?

There are two main reasons; the gravity is 1/6 of Earth's so astronauts tended to bounce along. Conversely, to survive on the moon, astronauts are carrying a large backpack and wearing a bulky spacesuit - which doubles their weight; you can see the affect of the weight as the astronauts tend to lean forwards.