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Q: What the best conductor of thermal energy?
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Is aluminum an insulator or conductor of thermal energy?

Aluminum is a conductor of thermal energy and electrical energy.

A material that conducts thermal energy well is a thermal?

Something that conducts thermal energy well is a thermal...conductor. If it does not conduct well it is called an insulator.

Can silver conduct thermal energy?

Yes, silver is just about the best conductor there is

What terms defines something that transfers thermal energy efficiently?

Something that transfers thermal energy efficiently is called a conductor.

Distinguish between a heat conductor and an insulator.?

A heat conductor readily conducts thermal energy; an insulator inhibits flow of thermal energy.

Is glass a good conductor thermal energy?


Material that condscts thermal energy well?

a conductor does, while an insulator poorly conducts thermal energy!

What material is good conductor of thermal energy?

a metal

Which is the name given to any material that transfers thermal energy easily?

A thermal conductor.

How does thermal energy get passed in a conductor?

by transferring vibrational energy to adjacent molecules.

Is a nonmetal a good conductor of thermal energy?

Yes its a conducter

What is the answer for The ability to conduct thermal energy or electricity?

That describes a conductor.